
Mary Kolusniewski admits to defacing Unley Council signs, says it was ‘activism’

A Goodwood grandmother has admitted to defacing dozens of road signs with obscene messages after police charged her with property damage – but she insists it was a necessary fight against Unley Council.

Woman accused of graffiti attacks

A 74-year-old grandmother who has found herself on charges of property damage worth up to $10,000 for defacing Unley Council road signs says she was only trying to make them look better.

Mary Kolusniewski, of Goodwood, was last week arrested and charged with five counts of property damage over multiple alleged incidents on Weller Street in protest against the installation of speed bumps.

It has landed her a court date and a bail agreement that prevents her going into Weller Street.

Mary Kolusniewski in her Goodwood garden. Picture: Tom Huntley
Mary Kolusniewski in her Goodwood garden. Picture: Tom Huntley

She freely admits she first painted 28 signs with “WTF!” in red paint, followed by green paint on signed arrows when the first paint was scrubbed off, and more green paint when that, too, was cleaned.

But Ms Kolusniewski, who describes herself as an “old lefty from way back” and a lifelong activist, insists it wasn’t vandalism – instead, it was “activism” – and she was following through a promise she made to Unley Council staff to paint the works if they were installed.

“I’ve been fighting these devils for bloody years,” Ms Kolusniewski said.

“Of course I call it activism, it’s not bloody vandalism.

“I’m trying to make the point that I’ve actually improved it. I have enhanced the street with a beautiful green instead of a horrible reflective bright white.”

Ms Kolusniewski took issue with “huge white reflective arrows” and “concrete garbage” that were installed with new speed bumps in Weller St – and wanted to make a public point.

“I did it during the day to bring this to a head,” she said.

Defaced signs on Weller St at Goodwood. Picture: Jessica Adams
Defaced signs on Weller St at Goodwood. Picture: Jessica Adams
Defaced signs on Weller St at Goodwood. Picture: Jessica Adams
Defaced signs on Weller St at Goodwood. Picture: Jessica Adams

“I could have done it an night but I did it in the open because I wanted someone to dob me in and get some bloody action and get some change.

“I did it to prod them into not doing it again and not muck up the next street.”

She claimed the green paint was a “lovely colour” and a “great improvement” on the signs the council had installed.

Police said they tracked down Ms Kolusniewski with photos provided by Weller St residents.

Video was last week released by former Channel 7 newsreader Jessica Adamson of Ms Kolusniewski defacing the signs.

She will face Adelaide Magistrates Court in November.

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