It’s happening: Hackney to get its Weet-Bix ‘ghetto’
RESIDENTS slammed initial plans for a big housing development at the former Sanitarium factory at Hackney, saying it’d turn their suburb into a “ghetto”. But a revised bid’s now got the nod.
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A TOWNHOUSE development on Hackney Rd previously refused approval has now received the tick from Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Council.
Zachariasz Baran’s multi-million plan for 37 townhouses at the old Sanitarium factory site at 71-77 Hackney Rd, Hackney, has been approved this month by the council’s Development Assessment Panel.
The developer will have to pay to fell and replace a street tree on Hackney Rd and will have to have an environmental auditor check that the site is suitable for residential development.
It is not known when work is likely to start.
The project was initially reported as worth $13 million which included a $7m price tag for the land.
The panel had rejected the project in March, so Dr Baran appealed to the Environment, Resources and Development Court.
As a result negotiations were instigated between the council and Dr Baran.
This resulted in a plan addressing criticisms levelled at the project by panel members.
How the application was tweaked
THE new design includes 37 townhouses — instead of 42
THE properties are now aligned east-west, rather than north-south.
ACCESS is from Hackney Rd and Hatswell St rather than Cambridge St.
The panel had wanted more communal space but this didn’t eventuate.
Also approved
At the same meeting, a medical centre proposed for 206-208 Portrush Rd, Trinity Gardens, was approved after the developer, Alex Cook of Mammoth Projects, submitted new plans.
The new design has six more carparks does not include the three dentists’ rooms previously housed under the same roof as rooms for 10 doctors.
The old plan was criticised for only having 39 parking spaces instead of the 96 required under the council’s development plan.
The medical centre will be run by the Independent Practitioner Network.