
Craig Warner jailed for 24 years for sexually abusing six boys for over a decade in Whyalla and Mawson Lakes

He pretended to a loyal friend and trusted Whyalla neighbour but for more than a decade a “deeply depraved” man secretly abused six children.

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A paedophile who robbed many boys of their childhood and deeply betrayed the trust of families has been jailed for more than 20 years.

Craig Anthony Warner, 41, showed no emotion as he was sentenced for his “predatory and deeply depraved” behaviour.

The Adelaide District Court on Tuesday heard there were six victims, who Warner sexually abused for over a decade in Mawson Lakes and Whyalla.

The first two victims were brothers who would hang out at Warner’s house and play computer games.

Warner performed fellatio and other sexual acts on them, with his abuse spanning over four years in Adelaide.

Warner then moved to Whyalla in 2011 and abused two more boys, with one victim saying it was “so repetitive and frequent” he could not recall how many occasions there were.

“He believes that you are the reason that he turned to drugs and dropped out of school,” Judge Timothy Heffernan said during sentencing.

The court heard the fifth and sixth victim who Warner abused also lived in Whyalla.

“On one occasion you told (the fifth victim) not to tell anybody because he would get into trouble,” Judge Heffernan said.

“Instilling fear and shame in your victim is typical of the manipulation used by persons who commit offences like this type.”

The court previously heard multiple victim impact statements, including from one of the Whyalla victims, who was only nine when the abuse started.

“Having to endure his sick, twisted needs, all in an attempt to fulfil his pleasures, is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy,” the victim said.

“A young, bright boy who had their entire world in front of him was robbed of his childhood and instead was gifted lifelong trauma.”

Craig Warner was jailed for over two decades in the Adelaide District Court for multiple child sex offences. Photo: File
Craig Warner was jailed for over two decades in the Adelaide District Court for multiple child sex offences. Photo: File

Warner, of Parafield Gardens, had previously pleaded guilty to five counts of maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child and indecent assault.

The court heard Warner, who had previously worked in computer programming, had shown some of the boys pornography.

Judge Heffernan said Warner had shown little insight to the impact of his offending on his victims.

“You described (your offending) as not socially acceptable but that you never forced a boy to have sex and that you would never intentionally hurt anyone,” he said.

Judge Heffernan said Warner had groomed his victims in a “cunning and a very deliberate way”.

“For a period of about a decade you maintained secrecy, manipulation and deception,” he said.

“You carefully cultivated the persona of being a loyal friend, a cheerful and helpful neighbour and someone who could be trusted around young boys.

“That was a sham.”

Judge Heffernan said the offending involved a gross breach of trust.

“Your offending was extremely serious, predatory, deeply depraved and was committed with an utter disregard for the wellbeing of your victims,” he said.

“It has had a profound effect on all of them, there was also a gross disparity of age between you and your victims.”

Judge Heffernan sentenced Warner to 24 years jail, with a non-parole period of 19 years and two months.

The sentence was backdated to September 20.

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