
Barrio Developments Glenelg North apartment block plan rejected

A GLENELG North apartment building plan has been rejected for failing to comply with height restrictions for the area, among other design issues.

An artist impression the proposed residential development at 22-23 Adelphi Tce, which was rejected at the October 4 SCAP meeting. Picture: Supplied
An artist impression the proposed residential development at 22-23 Adelphi Tce, which was rejected at the October 4 SCAP meeting. Picture: Supplied

A GLENELG North apartment building plan has been rejected for failing to comply with height restrictions for the area, among other design issues.

Six residents turned up to last week’s state assessment panel meeting to voice their concerns about the Barrio Developments uncosted, six-and-a-half-storey proposal.

The assessment panel rejected the development because its height exceeded the five-storey limit for the area, its appearance didn’t comply with design standards and its landscaping, setbacks and carparking provisions were inadequate.

One nearby resident, Paula Read, told CoastCity Weekly she was “delighted” with the outcome but felt legislation needed to change to give residents and councils more input on developments.

I do not want others to go through the stress and anxiety that my neighbours and I have experienced, and further development proposals for the site are still likely,” Ms Read said.

“We have only won the battle, not the war … we now have to lobby parliament to review this legislation.”

Holdfast Bay Mayor Amanda Wilson, who attended the meeting, described the outcome as a significant win for the residents.

“(The outcome) sets the precedent that height limits must be followed,” Ms Wilson said. “Five storeys means five storeys, not six-and-a-half.”

Barrio Developments managing director Glen Vollebregt said he would alter plans for the site and resubmit them.

“We see that an approval is imminently achievable … there are a number of minor issues to address,’ Mr Vollebregt said.

He said Barrio would consider landscaping, setback and design improvements, plus increase private open space and carparking ratios.

“We are committed to a high quality outcome for the site,” Mr Vollebregt said.

“We’ll consider height reduction, albeit the proposed height is only about seven per cent over the required 18.5 metres.”

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