
Director, tutor and life member of the Hills Youth Theatre, Di Mason, stepping down after 25 years

In her 25-plus years at the Hills Youth Theatre, she has taught hundreds of kids. But Di Mason says her retirement isn’t about her.

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A beloved Adelaide Hills youth theatre director and tutor is calling curtains on her 25-year career – but says the mark the students and families have left is her “greatest joy”.

From directing, teaching and making hats, Di Mason has been a member of the Hills Youth Theatre and wider Stirling community for decades.

“It has really been a big, special part of my life,” Ms Mason said.

“My greatest joy is when I hear something positive about a kid, or something really good has happened for them, you go ‘wow, I’m really happy for them’ … that’s what it’s all about.

Hills Youth Theatre Director, Di Mason, being farewelled at a retirement afternoon tea on Sunday, with Ben Proeve, Sam Ewart, Di Mason, Jaimi Wilson, Toby Vincent and Lola Bickford. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Hills Youth Theatre Director, Di Mason, being farewelled at a retirement afternoon tea on Sunday, with Ben Proeve, Sam Ewart, Di Mason, Jaimi Wilson, Toby Vincent and Lola Bickford. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Ms Mason said it was fitting to “bookend” her career with 'The Snow Queen'. Picture: Supplied
Ms Mason said it was fitting to “bookend” her career with 'The Snow Queen'. Picture: Supplied

“I started helping out backstage when my son started as a student in 1999, and I’ve loved it ever since.”

The just-wrapped production of The Snow Queen was Ms Mason’s last in the director’s chair, as she heads for retirement at the age of 70.

“It’s quite fitting that The Snow Queen is my last show, I feel like I’ve kind of book-ended it. I started with Snow Queen and I finished with the Snow Queen.”

Now the grandmother of five and mother of two sons will stop to “smell the roses” after one last goodbye from the family, students and alumni of HYT at an afternoon tea on Sunday.

Ms Mason made her HYT directorial debut in 2008, with the Junior Youth Class Play production of 'Blue's Adventures'. Picture: Supplied
Ms Mason made her HYT directorial debut in 2008, with the Junior Youth Class Play production of 'Blue's Adventures'. Picture: Supplied

But if you ask Ms Mason, her work at the theatre teaching, directing and bringing plays to life has never been about her passion – it’s been for the kids acting on the stage.

“It’s about teaching the kids how to feel good about themselves … the theatre has a culture of trying to lift the kids up and really support them,” she said.

Ms Mason resonates strongly with the HYT mottos, especially to help each student feel they are “important no matter what you are doing”. With the 2018 leading cast of 'Pollyanna' and Assistant Director Jessica Corrie. Picture: Supplied.
Ms Mason resonates strongly with the HYT mottos, especially to help each student feel they are “important no matter what you are doing”. With the 2018 leading cast of 'Pollyanna' and Assistant Director Jessica Corrie. Picture: Supplied.

“We try really hard to instil in them that ‘you are important no matter what you are doing’.”

Ms Mason grew up in love with the theatre and wanted to perform herself, choosing instead to become a music teacher and help support young people learn about the arts.

Later in her career the path brought her back to theatre when Ms Mason was given the opportunity to teach drama to primary school students – but one parent and later a close friend brought her to Stirling.

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When English immigrant and trained ballerina Joan Leslie’s son left Ms Mason’s junior primary class, she asked for advice on somewhere to keep participating in theatre.

Ms Leslie found an advert for the HYT group and later became one of the founding tutors of HYT – where Ms Mason later joined with her own son.

Ms Mason made a promise to Ms Leslie to keep the theatre up, running and continued to honour her memory – including using her original scripts.

Ms Mason said the Kids she taught had left a memorable mark on her life, and they were some of her “greatest joys”. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Ms Mason said the Kids she taught had left a memorable mark on her life, and they were some of her “greatest joys”. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Ms Mason promised the late Joan Leslie (pictured) that she would keep her original scripts and energy alive at the Hills Youth Theatre. Picture: Supplied
Ms Mason promised the late Joan Leslie (pictured) that she would keep her original scripts and energy alive at the Hills Youth Theatre. Picture: Supplied

“One of my promises to her that I would keep the whole youth theatre going and make it a wonderful place, as it was when she was part of it”

But her retirement won’t be the end of Ms Mason’s life at the Stirling Theatre as she will continue her role as Theatre Management Committee vice president and costume room manager.

And she won’t miss a performance.

“The kids have asked, ‘Will you come and see us?’ I said of course, I love to watch you guys up there doing your thing … I wouldn’t miss it,” she said.

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