
The one thing you should never do in a Pilates class

Start class prepared

'Be Strong' Cover Shoot with Tayla Harris

Expecting to put off your New Year's resolution of becoming a Pilates girl for another year? Pilates Reformers Australia’s co-founder Cheryl Burgess has set you up for success with her ultimate guide to Pilates etiquette.

No matter what you’re wearing, who you’re with or how dedicated you’re feeling, walking into a Pilates class can be daunting. 

Whether it's in a fancy boutique studio, or a low-budget gym, the fear is the same. 

Luckily, Pilates Reformers Australia’s co-founder Cheryl Burgess is making it 10x easier to stick to your New Years resolution to pick up Pilates, with a cheat sheet of all the dos and don’ts for class. 

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Finding your place

Walking into an established workout class can feel a bit like walking into the first day of school. Are there cliques? Unassigned, yet very much assigned seats? First impressions are important. 

You may have been told the one thing you should never do is take another person’s machine, but Burgess disagrees. “While we may all hold space for our one machine, there is no holding that space”, she said. “People tend to get cranky if you take ‘their’ Reformer, so if it’s ‘yours’ arrive early to claim it, otherwise all rights to Reformers fall back on the standard ‘first in, first served’ principle.” 

Does your outfit really matter?

We’ve all seen the Pilates girls in their brightly coloured matching sets, but how much thought do you really need to give your Pilates outfit?

The instructor says you only really need to focus on two items of clothing – socks and tights. 

“Don’t rock up in your no-show low rise or your comfy bed socks (no matter how cute and fluffy), they won’t do you any good when you’re halfway through your planks and slipping off the machine”, she told Body+Soul.  “Trust us, this is for your own safety. Say it with us, grip  socks, grip socks, grip socks!”

As for tights, Burgess says you really want to make sure they’re squat-proof. “Those Boxing Day sale tights might look amazing but when you squat the truth tends to come out in all its threadbare glory. Not all tights, but it’s always worth doing a quick squat test before walking out  the door.”

We’ve all seen the Pilates girls in their brightly coloured matching sets, but how much thought do you really need to give your Pilates outfit?Image: iStock
We’ve all seen the Pilates girls in their brightly coloured matching sets, but how much thought do you really need to give your Pilates outfit?Image: iStock

Dealing with awkward moments

Burgess encourages us to make peace with our bodies before class and accept that embarrassing moments can happen. 

She said “everyone does it, yes even the gorgeous woman at the front serving goddess good looks and a fitness level you dare to dream about. We all expel a little gas from time to time, it’s normal. So, if in class and it's your turn to experience the natural phenomenon, just apologise and have a laugh about it. We've all been there.”

Full body shakes are probably a good sign to relax

Even though it might feel great when someone points out how flexible or strong you are, you don’t need to kick your leg higher than the rest of the class or hold that position for the longest. Listen to your body and do what you can. 

The expert suggests telling your instructor if you have any injuries or weak spots. She says “you don’t need to give a complete medical history but outline any issues that might stop you from moving a certain way. This helps the  instructor better guide you through class and provide adapted exercises.”

Even though it might feel great when someone points out how flexible or strong you are, you don’t need to kick your leg higher than the rest of the class or hold that position for the longest. Listen to your body and do what you can. Image: iStock
Even though it might feel great when someone points out how flexible or strong you are, you don’t need to kick your leg higher than the rest of the class or hold that position for the longest. Listen to your body and do what you can. Image: iStock

Can you take photos in class?

If you want to post a story looking cute in your new gym set, that’s your prerogative. But Burgess says your classmates don’t need to be a part of it.

“It can be disruptive to others and the instructors if you’re [taking photos and videos] during class or only moments before starting”, she said.

The instructor recommends getting your progress shots in 10 minutes before class starts when you’re alone and still sweat-free.

Your focus for class

Once you’re in class, Burgess says you should be trying to focus on the three Cs of pilates: concentration, control and centre.


“Don’t take that call on your Apple Watch, please. And don’t start a gossip sesh with your Reformer neighbour” the instructor recommends. “If you’re talking, you’re not concentrating, and if you’re not concentrating, you’ll realise that everyone else is facing right while you’ve gone rogue and are now facing the entire class for the side-plank series.”

Save yourself the embarrassment.  

“Don’t take that call on your Apple watch, please. And don’t start a gossip sesh with your Reformer neighbour”. Image: iStock
“Don’t take that call on your Apple watch, please. And don’t start a gossip sesh with your Reformer neighbour”. Image: iStock


“Don’t let your carriage slam closed, control the carriage at all times. This means you’re  working harder and getting more benefit from your workout.”  


“Connect with your core, with your body and the class, leaving everything else at the door. It’s why you’re here after-all.”

Before you leave

Don’t just jump off the reformer and start your day. Burgess says you need to “wipe that Reformer down properly after class and we mean properly. Every surface”. Leave the space as clean as you’d want it to be if you were starting class.

Consider this all the preparation you need to start 2025 as a Pilates girl.   

Originally published as The one thing you should never do in a Pilates class

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