
It was 50 years ago today — the moment the Beatles changed Adelaide forever

THEY were in Adelaide for just 48 hours, but the Beatles sparked a social revolution in 1964 that changed our city forever.

The Beatles arrived in Adelaide in June 1964. Picture: Vic Grimmet
The Beatles arrived in Adelaide in June 1964. Picture: Vic Grimmet

JOHN Lennon called it “Fabulous — the best reception ever” and he had the greatest vantage point of all, leaning out over the balcony at the Adelaide Town Hall.

What the 23-year-old musician could see glancing up and down King William St, just before 1pm on Friday,

June 12, 1964, was a surging sea of animated

faces and tightly pressed bodies comprising more than half of the city’s population.

The 300,000 people who crammed into

the centre of Adelaide that day formed what is still regarded as the biggest reception the Beatles received anywhere in the world.

The memorable occasion, which happened 50 years ago this week, is also the biggest event in the history of South Australia.

The police were certain they had not dealt with anything like it before.

That included the first visit by Queen Elizabeth, in 1954, and a second visit, the year before the Beatles arrived, when an estimated 150,000 people assembled roadside to see

Her Majesty and Prince Phillip drive through

town on their way to Elizabeth.

A police spokesman called the crowd for the Beatles “the noisiest and most excited ever in the state — but wonderfully well behaved.”

No other event since has come close.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana were the biggest crowd magnets on the planet when they arrived in South Australia in 1983, and this year their son William and his wife Kate Middleton had enormous crowd-pulling persuasion as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Neither duo could compete with the hype for the Beatles.

Two other contrasting events in Adelaide have attracted greater crowds than those that gathered for a royal occasion.

About 200,000 people crammed into Victoria Park in November 1986 to hear Pope John Paul II say Mass while in 1995 the last of the 11 Grand Prix that roared around the parklands saw a similar number attend on the Sunday race day.

No one would consider any of those moments changed South Australia “forever” but that is the claim for the visit of Liverpool’s Fab Four — which was actually three, plus one, with Ringo Starr initially too ill to travel to Australia.

For many, the social turmoil and hysterical reaction created by having the Moptops in town signified a monumental change in Adelaide’s staid, staunch conservative attitude.

Even establishment figures were inspired to record the moment, with Geoffrey Dutton — a founding member of the Adelaide Festival — leading off his poem The Beatles in Adelaide with the lines: “Give way, square city named for a dull,

dead queen, Bulge like the trousered bottoms

of squealing sixteen.”

And squeal they did, young girls and boys alike, finally grabbing their opportunity to relinquish the shackles

of convention and assert their likes and desires on a moribund society still in the grip of the gloomy aftermath of two world wars.

The City of Churches was rapidly becoming the “City of Urges” and few authority

figures were ready for the onslaught. The Education Department issued a

stern directive that any student found to be absent on the Friday the Beatles arrived would be suspended.

One school went further.

Unley High School — the facility that would later educate Australia’s first female prime minister — declared any student absent that Friday who could not produce a doctor’s note would be expelled. With no exceptions.

Unley students with a broad-minded GP for a parent were incredibly popular that weekend. Other headmasters took the smart move of choosing that Friday for the half-day Arbor Day public holiday to shortcut the Education Department’s ultimatum.

The Beatles were a glimpse of an exciting, unpredictable future — and most Down Under youngsters were primed for

a promised land of infinite possibilities where youth culture set the agenda.

Radio presenter Bob Francis, then a 25-year-old DJ with 5AD, found himself at the centre of the furore.

Francis had no idea what was to come

when he bemoaned the fact on radio that

the Beatles were yet another group to bypass Adelaide for the lack of an adequate pop-music venue.

The now 75-year-old, who retired from the airwaves last year, suggested 3000 signatures could be enough to prod the entrenched government of “Honest” Tom Playford into action.

Within three days he received 80,000.

“They even came in on rolls of toilet paper,” Francis, who is still stopped in the street and thanked for bringing the Beatles to town, says

“I sent them (signatures) off to the Melbourne headquarters of the company running the tour and was amazed within days to get the message back, ‘Beatles concert in Adelaide booked for June 12’.”

There was a hiccup when the hire cost of the 3000-capacity Centennial Hall, situated at Adelaide Showground, turned out to be “exorbitant”, but John Martin’s department store jumped in to sponsor four shows and the rest is remarkable history.

It all began well before the civic reception at the Town Hall with large crowds scattering rose petals along the cavalcade route from the airport along Tapleys Hill Rd, Anzac Highway and West Tce to North Tce.

Fanatical photographer George Harrison, whose extensive pictorial essay of his Adelaide visit was published in the volume 50 Years Adrift by Beatles publicist Derek Taylor, recalled the scenes in his memoirs.

“Sitting in an open-top car waving at all the people, I felt like a tourist on an amusement ride. It was almost surreal,’’ Harrison wrote as he recalled the incredible moment when he had just turned 21.

“I’ll never forget this boy riding up alongside us on his bicycle, shaking Paul’s hand and saying ‘G’day mate’.’’

Only seven months had passed since John F Kennedy was gunned down and Harrison reflected that he felt a little vulnerable in the open-topped Ford convertible.

Harrison was later a regular visitor to Adelaide for the Formula One Grand Prix and, in 1995, spoke of the 1964 visit.

“We had no idea that so many people would be waiting for us,” he told a reporter.

“After all, there were only 3000 people at the airport in New York, so why should there be 300,000 in Adelaide?”

“It would have been really frightening if all the people hadn’t been so good natured. There was a lot of screaming but a lot of smiles, too. It stuck in our minds

as the most fantastic reception the Beatles ever had.’’

By the time the Beatles hit Adelaide, most of the morals campaigners were no longer getting airplay and even the city’s establishment had been charmed and wanted to rub shoulders with the fresh-faced, cheeky celebrities.

In South Australia, it would have been difficult to find anyone better connected than dashing daredevil Hugh Reskymer “Kym” Bonython who, among his many roles, was the Adelaide representative of the promoter bringing the Beatles to Australia.

“Kym was married to a former Miss South Australia, Julianne McClure, who was also a member of a prominent family,” Francis recalls. “The McClures had a fabulous property at Clarendon in the Hills and Kym and Julie organised for the best chef in town to provide a spread for about a hundred of Adelaide’s A-listers.

“It was incredible — the only trouble was the Beatles never bothered to rock up.”

They had far better distractions to keep them occupied. Except for the concerts, the lads — including Ringo’s stand-in Jimmy Nicol — never left the beds of their hotel rooms at the South Australian Hotel, which stood opposite Parliament House, where, by all accounts, over a couple of hard day’s nights, the sexual revolution was in full swing.

Francis had the room along from the Beatles and gained a full insight of the goings-on. “They were all lovely polite boys, but I’m not claiming there was one angel among them.

“The girls were literally climbing up the drainpipes to get at them.”

One girl in particular pushed her luck further than most for an audience.

Francis was the only person allowed back stage at Centennial Hall in the Beatles’ dressing room before the four shows.

“When you think of the demands of rock-bands and celebrities these days the place was an embarrassment — not that anyone complained,” he says.

“The room had just five chairs in it with a few bare light bulbs around the sides and hadn’t changed since they built the joint in 1936.”

There was one unexpected luxury, though, when a girl dressed in a South Australian Hotel maid’s uniform

knocked on the door holding a tray with four mugs and a silver coffee jug on it.

Francis immediately recognised the maid as a girl who had been asking him for weeks to get her an introduction to the Beatles.

“I ended up telling her she had no chance of meeting them. It just wasn’t going to happen. And here she was — I told her, ‘You little bugger.’

“Well she came in handing out coffee and after I told the lads about her they chatted away and she left with all their signatures.

“I’d love to know who she is and if she’s still around. How brilliant would it be if she’s still got the autographs?”

The ingenious visitor unquestionably got the genuine article, but many others didn’t as Francis witnessed press secretary Derek Taylor deftly reproduce the signature of each Beatle on reams of sale memorabilia.

Ironically, the Beatles were far from Francis’ favourite artist — the ‘Big O’, Roy Orbison holds that accolade. And while he admired their music he didn’t get to hear much of it live, as the screams reached a crescendo when he introduced the band.

It was regarded as a significant honour for Francis to introduce the band to the stage as the Beatles had brought their own compere, English comedian Alan Field, who performed at every other Australian concert.

“I pleaded with the kids to stop yelling, but they weren’t listening,” he adds.

“The band couldn’t hear themselves and you’ve got to remember how primitive their sound equipment was.”

And then, after four unforgettable, if indistinct, shows the phenomenon was over and the band and small entourage flew out for Melbourne, leaving Adelaide to assess their impact.

Psychologist Mary Smith, from the Adelaide Children’s Hospital, reassured concerned parents at the time that the highly unusual behaviour of their children the previous 48 hours was all the result of “mass hysteria” — and therefore not a permanent condition. Things would return to “normal” in good time.

She may have underestimated the mood for change.

The Beatles in Adelaide was a hint of something previously forbidden and most of the state’s newly empowered young adults made it apparent they wanted more.

Within nine months — and after an absence of 32 years — the Labor Party swept to power in South Australia with a mandate to implement social reform that became a more radical agenda two years later when Don Dunstan replaced Frank Walsh.

Wowserism was declared well and truly dead.

Liquor licensing laws were relaxed, public lotteries and the TAB were established and the state was first to reform abortion laws.

Some regard the visit of the Beatles

as the beginning of the “permissive society”, while others identify the two-day tour as the start of Adelaide bridging

to the rapidly changing modern world of

the Swinging Sixties and a sign of a growing maturity.

In another symbol of the end to the past, the stuffy colonial South Australian Hotel, which had accommodated the Beatles, closed its doors on June 26, 1971, and was demolished soon afterwards to make way for Ansett’s new Gateway Hotel.

When Centennial Hall was knocked down in 2007, after deteriorating and becoming unstable, Bob Francis was presented with a chunk of stone from the historic building by the demolition team.

He has one other special memento of his moments of fame with the world’s greatest and most-enduring rock band.

It’s a personal letter from the Fab Four thanking him for everything he did for the group and the time he spent with them.

It includes a note and signature from drummer Ringo Starr who only joined up with the other band members in Melbourne.

Ringo had clearly been told, in eager tones, by John, Paul and George all about the magical scenes and wonderful time he had missed in Adelaide.

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