
I wouldn't give my seat to a pregnant mum on the train and swore at an old lady

The man feels justified about his behaviour on a recent trip - so you won't believe what he asks the internet.

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It's a basic principle of a civilized society that pregnant and old people get priority seating on public transport.

Which why this week's it's been surprising to hear of an 18-year-old man being outraged at the pressure to give up his seat on a train.

But so convinced that he's in the right and shouldn't be pressured into doing what others say he should, he's ranted to the internet... and expected their support.

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"As a young man I could stand"

Writing/ranting on Reddit, in a post called, "AITA for refusing to offer my seat to a pregnant woman and asking an old lady to f**k off?" he began:

"I didn't say that outright, but I just couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. It's just my tone had given off a vibe that was asking her to fuck off."

He then explained:

"I (18 M) was traveling on a train. There was hardly space for anyone to sit. A few stations later, when a couple of people had dropped off, there was breathing space, but there were no vacant seats left anyway.

"A pregnant woman entered the compartment and was apparently looking for a seat. Mine was the one which was immediately visible when she entered, and the people who had adjacent seats next to me were much older.

"I wasn't sure whether I should offer mine or not. I was just thinking through it when an old woman who was seated a little ahead asked her to take mine. She told the woman as in 'Take his seat there, there's enough space for you to sit.'

"I didn't like that she was directly asking the woman to walk over and claim my seat, and I protested. I told her, 'Hey, you can't just ask tell someone else to claim my seat. It's mine, I get to decide.'

"She asked me whether I couldn't see that she was pregnant, and that as a young man I had the ability to stand. Everyone was eyeing me as if I had said something wrong, but I got pissed off. 

"I told her that I am not doing it, and she began to accuse me of not having respect for elders, etc. A few others asked me to give up mine too, but I didn't listen. I told the old woman that she has to mind her own business, to not interfere in my affairs, and that I have every right to remain there.

"She looked extremely cross and I probably came out with a bad impression on everyone, but I didn't like her attitude."

Incredibly, he then asks the forum, if he's an a**hole for his behaviour.

Image: iStock
Image: iStock

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"You are an a**hole for your attitude"

The post attracted more than 5000 comments, with people generally appalled by the young man's attitude.

One wrote, "The old woman shouldn't have offered anyone else's seat to the pregnant lady. But you showed a very prominent lack of empathy towards someone in a physically demanding state who did nothing wrong.

"Everyday gestures of kindness improve happiness for the givers and the takers. You're the asshole not because you were obligated to offer, but because of the way you handled the situation."

Another added, "Sheer class and manners should have prevailed but alas no. One day he's going to have an epiphany and feel truly ashamed of his approach and attitude at this time and will 'fingers crossed' vow to be a better human."

And this person shamed the man for bickering with an elder, writing "To get back to an old woman you made a pregnant woman uncomfortable. You're 18 ffs, you should have better judgment.

"Next time just stand up and keep fighting with old farts while leaving your seat to those in need."

Originally published as I wouldn't give my seat to a pregnant mum on the train and swore at an old lady

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