
Mum shopping with baby at ALDI outraged by man's 'entitled' checkout act

"I was buying my daughter nappies and she was crying and I just wanted to get out of there," the mum fumed. 

One product you need to buy at Aldi

A single mum recently shared her frustration on Mumsnet after an incident at her local ALDI, sparking a heated debate about supermarket etiquette.

It was a busy Sunday morning, and the mum was out doing her grocery shopping with her baby in a carrier.

"I needed nappies and baby essentials," she says, "as my baby had her jabs with week and hasn't been very well."

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Image: Supplied

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"I'm just waiting"

As she went to check out, she eyed the checkout area for the shortest line, "as you do."

Spotting the least crowded one, she steered her trolley, which was a third full, toward it.

However, when she got there, a woman already at the till gestured towards someone behind her.

"Sorry, I'm just waiting," the woman said to the mum.

Before she could react, a man with a full shopping trolley hurried in front of her and began unloading his items, effectively cutting in line. 

"I didn't say anything, but I have wondered since I got home if this is normal, and maybe I'm odd for finding it rude," she said.

In the comments, the mum added, "I don't think I'm special because I have a baby or anything, but I'm a single parent and have no choice but to take her shopping with me. 

"I've never encountered this before, but I know it's something I would never do, even if I had someone else with me."

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"Cheeky behaviour"

One commenter empathised, stating, "I'd have definitely spoken up. Although, this happened to me in another store, and they got very nasty with me, so I'm a bit more wary these days."

Another mum said a similar situation happened to her as well, "Ugh, one time I was walking up to the end of a belt, and a smug-looking woman ran into the space first, held up her arm to block me and waved another woman to come in front of me. The other woman was older, and if either of them had said, 'Do you mind if we go first?' I probably would have let them. As it was, I had to look at the floor while they checked out to avoid searing them to ashy husks with my death stare."

"I’ve never seen this cheeky behaviour either, but I would NOT be impressed!" someone else wrote. "A woman with a screaming baby would always come first, in my opinion, anyway. What is happening to people?! No bloody manners or consideration!"

Someone else shared, "I would have told them that they can't hold a spot at a checkout and started unpacking my trolley." 

Then this user claimed, "If the woman was holding the place, she should have let you go first because a) You were there before her husband, b) You had a crying baby, 3) You had a lot fewer items than them. I am not sure about the whole place holding thing, if you are going to do that, you can't make people wait even a second, you need to let them go ahead until your partner is absolutely ready to join the queue."

But then some people disagreed, with one saying: "Nah, sorry, but this is fine. I would let them go first."

And this commenter said she and her husband pull a similar move sometimes. "We try to do this on occasion. I'll pick a queue with my trolley load, and he'll pick up a random item and go to another queue so I can rush over with the trolley if his queue moves faster, regardless of who is behind him," they wrote. 

So, is this okay? Tell us in the Facebook comments. 

Originally published as Mum shopping with baby at ALDI outraged by man's 'entitled' checkout act

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