Cat’s escape after washing machine spin
A Burmese cat in Queensland is lucky to be alive after he fell asleep inside a washing machine and got trapped in a hot 12-minute cycle.
A Burmese cat in Queensland is lucky to be alive after he fell asleep inside a washing machine and got trapped in a hot 12-minute cycle.
Freddy the great dane is celebrating another towering milestone, with the world’s biggest pooch now breaking another Guinness World Record.
Owning a pet has so many benefits, especially for kids, but there are also some key things to consider when deciding if your family is ready for a pet and which one is right for you.
Cocoa Puff the enormous rabbit is so big, the two-year-old giant is almost the size of its human siblings when it sits at the dining table.
ANIMAL activists have long warned about giving pets as presents but now a US animal welfare group says fears of them being returned are unfounded.
SMALL dogs are more likely to be aggressive and prone to mount people in what researchers believe is an equivalent of short man syndrome.
WATCH: HEART-BREAKING footage of an abandoned dog living among a “tsunami” of garbage on a Los Angeles trash heap.
A JAPANESE man went on a year-long burglary spree, making off cash and jewels worth $205,000 to feed 121 cats a gourmet diet.
IT WAS meant to be a happy occasion. A display of decorations at the White House. Then this happened.
A canine that was crowned the world’s ugliest dog in 2007 and later became the topic of a children’s book preaching acceptance has died. Elwood was 8.
A STUDY has confirmed what cat lovers have long suspected: cats know when their owner is calling them, they just don’t care.
A PUPPY who went from near-death to the beloved companion of an autistic boy has been named Dog of the Year. WARNING DISTURBING CONTENT.
IT’S the oldest excuse in the book, but for one teenage girl, a dog really did eat her homework.
PET owners are often weirdly fascinated by the idea of dressing up their cats and dogs. Well, let’s take that concept to the extreme and dress them up as celebrities.
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