
Gardening ideas: The secret sense that will transform your backyard

Winter is a great time to change your outdoor space for the better.

Top Gardening Tips from Floriade

Whatever the season, my favourite plants are always scented. I love having perfumed plants and flowers in my garden all year round.

Scent can be used as another facet of garden design, together with colour, flowering period, foliage, form and texture. I enjoy nothing better than walking into my garden and seeing the beautiful colours of the flowers and foliage, watching the butterflies and bees busy themselves, hearing the birds singing and the wind rustling through the trees, and even feeling the different foliage of plants near the path. Then, I catch a waft of delicious perfume … that is heaven!

The right scent can transform your garden.
The right scent can transform your garden.

However, when placing scented plants in the garden, there are a number of things to consider.

• The air must be fairly still or there is just a gentle breeze to enjoy scented plants. If you live on an exposed site, such as the top of a hill or along the coast, the wind will blow all the delicious scents away. Windbreaks and garden rooms surrounded by hedges will allow you to better appreciate perfumed plants in these circumstances.

• As most scented plants are sun lovers, and warmth encourages the free production of many scents, try to create a sheltered sunny site for your scented garden.

• When positioning scented plants in the garden, make sure that you will be able to appreciate their perfume. Strong scents can be placed at the back of the garden, or as a border, and they can still be appreciated from the front. Soft subtle scents need to be planted near nose height or at the front of a garden bed, and be within easy reach. If the scented plants are tiny or low growers, try growing them in rockeries or containers where they can be elevated and easier to stick your nose into when they are in bloom.

• When combining scented plants in your garden, try not to drown out one scent with another. This is particularly relevant when choosing plants that have strong scents, such as jasmine, which may overpower more subtle scents in your garden.

Don’t drown out one scent with another.
Don’t drown out one scent with another.

• Night-scented plants are best appreciated when they are close to either outdoor entertaining areas or windows which are regularly left open, so that the scent can be enjoyed indoors.

• Most scented foliage plants, such as scented leaf geraniums or herbs, need to be within easy reach, so that you can brush past them or crush their leaves by hand as you pass by. Scented foliage groundcovers such as thyme or pennyroyal (a form of mint) can be planted between stepping stones where you can walk on them to release their aromas.

• Finally, consider the season in which plants are scented and what this means in terms of where you spend your time. If you have daphne in your garden for its delicious winter perfume, it needs to be close to the house, preferably an entranceway, where it can be appreciated, even if only briefly, as you rush inside to escape the cold.

When considering what plants to choose for your garden, think beyond flower colour and foliage, and add scent, too, placing them so that they can be appreciated at their best.

Rhododendron Gardens in Olinda. Osmanthus in foreground. Picture: Lawrence Pinder
Rhododendron Gardens in Olinda. Osmanthus in foreground. Picture: Lawrence Pinder



This cool-climate, deciduous tall shrub has ordinary looking foliage, but once the leaves fall, the bare stems carry waxy, many petalled, cup-shaped yellow flowers with a delicious strong, sweet and fruity scent. Pick a few stems for a vase to scent your home. They will grow 2.5m-3m high.


This winter-flowering dwarf shrub is loved for the delicious, sweet clove scent of its pinkish-white flowers. If that’s not to your taste, the pure white form has a sweet, lemon-like scent. There are a number of new cultivars with different habits and leaf forms, longer flowering periods and improved hardiness.


Some have an increased ability to tolerate subtropical conditions, too. A small vase with a few heads of any daphne will perfume a whole room. Daphnes have a reputation for being temperamental, but as long as their basic needs are met, they are actually incredibly tough! They prefer well-drained, humus rich, acid soil, and don’t like wet feet, making them ideal pot specimens. They will grow 60cm-1m high.


This medium to large shrub with dark green leaves produces tiny, insignificant creamy white flowers in winter and spring with the distinct scent of ripe apricots. Delicious! This plant does need a frost-free position. They will grow 2m-3m high.


Luculia is a must ‘if’ you can find the right position. It produces large bunches of pink flowers, which from a distance, appear like heads of hydrangea, however the luculia has a divine perfume. It wants a sheltered sunny position with cool roots and protection from frost. They also require acid soil and can be grown in a large pot. They will grow 3m-4m high.


There are both perennial and annual wallflowers which produce small heads of flowers in shades of purple, yellow, burgundy and apricot, and all have a sweet clove scent. They are extremely long flowering, starting in late winter and spring, with some repeat flowering over summer. The blooms make a great long-lasting cut flower, too. They will grow 40cm-80cm high


Q. Why is it important to buy fruit trees which are grown locally, in your state and climate, to plant out in your garden?

A. Fruit trees grown locally, in your state and climate, will be better acclimatised to your conditions and if they are growing locally, it is also a sign that the varieties are suited to your garden. This is particularly important when bringing a plant from a warmer, subtropical environment into a cooler, temperate climate. Firstly, the plant may not grow in your area, and even if it can grow where you are, if you have brought it in during winter it may not cope with the cooler weather in its new environment, and take time, even years, to get growing properly. Conversely, some varieties of fruits need significant winter chilling and won’t develop the best flavour in warmer climates, so choosing varieties that you know grow well and develop good flavour in your area is always the best choice.


This is the best-known group of orchids and they bloom for two to three months, from late winter through until the end of November. This exquisite plant produce tall, sometimes arching stems massed with flowers. Their colours range from pure white, every shade of yellow and lime green, to pink and burgundy. Their individual blooms range in size from 5cm to 10cm across and when grown well, most produce spikes of more than 25 or 30 standard sized blooms. While these orchids can be brought indoors for short periods when in flower, if they are kept in a cool and light room, they are best treated as an outdoor plant and grown in a light shadehouse where they can be taken and put up near the house when flowering for a stunning show.

Send Sophie Thomson your gardening questions via


Located on the side of a hill in the Huon Valley in Tasmania, this 117-year-old cottage is where Jude Van Heel, her husband Michael and daughter Liliana call home.

Jude and her family are passionate about living a life of self-sufficiency and practice organic and permaculture gardening – everywhere you look there are vibrant displays of colour and life.

When asked what she loves most about living in the Tasmanian countryside, Jude exhales.

“The rolling green hills and the feeling of cool fresh air on your cheeks when you step outside,” she says.

“There’s a peacefulness to nature here. Just then I looked out the window and there was a mamma pademelon (marsupial) grazing on the grass and a fantail drinking from the bird bath.

“Those gentle moments throughout the day – that’s what I love about Tassie.

“When we bought the property 11 years ago, the garden was pretty much a bare canvas.”

“I remember Michael had difficulty breaking the ground with a crowbar. It’s safe to say it’s been a steep learning curve bringing the garden to life.”

Garden at Fairy Wren Cottage in Tasmania. Picture: Jude Van Heel
Garden at Fairy Wren Cottage in Tasmania. Picture: Jude Van Heel


These days the garden is anything but bare.

All up on the three-quarter of an acre property you’ll find 79 fruit and nut trees including an apple and quince orchid, as well as vegetable gardens where golden nugget pumpkins, tomatoes, leafy greens, beans, purple sprouting broccoli and zucchini grows.

There are fragrant herbs like thyme, marjoram and lemon balm and berry patches with thriving raspberries.

Stunning perennial garden beds are bursting with pink dahlias, self-seeded poppies, lavender, Albertine roses and cherry blossoms, and there are wildlife areas where Tasmanian marsupials live, too.

Jude and her family also share the property with Indian runner ducks, heritage breed hens and an orphaned duck called Honeybee that free ranges all day, as well as rescued guinea pigs, two dogs and an abundance of Tasmanian birdlife.

“My original design for the garden was based on permaculture principles that have stood the test of time,” says Jude.

‘There’s a peacefulness to nature here.’ Picture: Jude Van Heel
‘There’s a peacefulness to nature here.’ Picture: Jude Van Heel

Home-schooled all her life and currently completing both year 12 and her second year of university, Liliana has been an integral part of creating the garden, her mum says.

“Many of her school projects have been focused around the garden. Learning important life skills such as planning, planting, harvesting and preserving the food we have grown.”

When starting out, Jude says she used to wish for the garden to grow more quickly, but slowly her headspace changed.

“Gardening is a great teacher. It’s taught me to practice patience and to focus on gratitude,” she says.

Always aiming to have the lowest environmental impact where possible, Jude reuses, recycles and repurposes materials to give them a second life, including the hen house in the quince orchard, which is made from entirely reclaimed materials.

“When looking for a solution at home or in the garden I often ask myself, what would our ancestors have done, what would they have used,” she ponders.

These days Jude says her vision for Fairy Wren Cottage is still the same as it was when they first bought the property all those years ago.

“To grow as much food as possible, be guided by the seasons and to live a peaceful and gentle life in the countryside,” she says,

Be guided by the seaons. Picture: Jude Van Heel
Be guided by the seaons. Picture: Jude Van Heel


When it comes to creating a country garden at home, Jude says it’s important to change the narrative in your mind.

“Instead of thinking of gardening as work, think of it as a way to live more sustainably and affordably, while it also being a creative outlet, your own special sanctuary to nurture the earth and in return it nurtures you back — a place to grow food for your body and flowers for your soul,” she says.

Importantly, gardening also allows you to have a connection with nature.

“Keeping poultry and guinea pigs, and applying their droppings and soiled bedding to the garden, annually adding a 15 to 20cm layer of mulch hay, emptying the duck bath water in the orchards and composting have all had a successful impact and help keep our soil rich with nutrients so that our garden can flourish,” says Jude.

“On wet weather days, I walk around the garden and fill a bucket with self-seeding fennel, mustard greens, kale and herbs to feed the Pekin and Silkie hens.”

Jude adds that it’s easy to get carried away buying every chicken or duck your heart desires, but that it’s important to be practical.

“Avoid overstocking your poultry houses to prevent health issues,” she says.

And plan for optimum care on the hottest and coldest weeks of the year, not just on those sun shining lovely blue-sky days.”

Plan for all seasons. Picture: Jude Van Heel
Plan for all seasons. Picture: Jude Van Heel


When it comes to planting, Jude recommends doing some research beforehand on what fruit and vegetable crops will do well in your location and climate. And finally, that you should allow for time to just sit quietly in your garden.

“You’ll be amazed at what you see and how peaceful your mind becomes.”

You can keep up to date with Jude and life at Fairy Wren Cottage via her Instagram. She also has free eBooks available on her website where she writes about homesteading, permaculture and organic gardening, poultry keeping and living a gentle life in the countryside guided by the seasons.

“I don’t believe in holding things back for yourself,” she says

“I believe in the power of generosity.

“ I love to learn through other people’s experiences and to share what I know with others. To me, that’s what gardening is all about.”


Albertine rose

The clusters of soft apricot-coloured blooms of the Albertine rose look stunning in the garden.


From pink to red, yellow and orange, inject colour into the garden with pretty poppies.

Quince trees

Cook the fruit of quince with water and sugar until it’s soft and tender. Spoon over porridge, bake in tarts or enjoy alongside cheese on a platter.


With dainty flowers in shades of blue, pink and purple, forget-me-nots are a charming addition to any garden.


Wallflowers have a lovely fragrance and better still, they come in a surprising range of colours.

A range of colours. Picture: Jude Van Heel
A range of colours. Picture: Jude Van Heel


School holidays are a fun time, but there will definitely be parents who will hear their children say: “There’s nothing to do” or “I’m bored” on a repetitive loop.

When kids are young, they love to help and giving them the opportunity to do a meaningful activity alongside you in the garden can channel the energy and exuberance of even the most active youngsters.

As well as having a sandpit for fun, give kids practical, useful activities to do in the garden, such as helping to turn over the compost heap, dig over the vegetable garden, prepare new beds for planting, or wheelbarrow in compost.

Kids are naturally curious and love to explore, so let them discover the amazing world of bugs and nature within their own garden, whether it is worms in the worm farm, creatures scurrying under mulch and fallen logs, spider webs covered with dew, or aquatic creatures in a pond.

Winter is a great time to get the kids into the garden. Picture: James Horan/Vaucluse House
Winter is a great time to get the kids into the garden. Picture: James Horan/Vaucluse House

Being outside doing stuff in the garden is always great, however you need the flexibility to do some projects undercover or even inside if the weather is too cold.

Here are some simple, fun projects best suited to younger kids. Some you may have done yourself when you were a child, so share the fun with the children in your life. Chances are that you will have fun doing them, too.

Make your own

You can buy pre-packaged kits with plastic bases to do this at your local garden centre or hardware store, but making your own with stockings is way more fun.

You need some old pantyhose (op shops may have some if you don’t have any of your own), lawn seed, sphagnum moss, string or a few rubber bands, and buttons or fabric to decorate their faces.

Sprinkle some lawn seed into the toe of the stocking, and then stuff with the moss until it is about as big as an orange. Tie it off tightly with some string or a rubber band, keeping about 15cm of the stocking hanging as this will act as a wick and draw water up to the seeds.

Now create a face with buttons, googly eyes, felt, wool or anything else you can think of, then fill with water and dunk the seed-filled end into the water. Leave the grass end of the head soaking in water for an hour and then turn it over and stand it on a jar where it can sit stably, resting on the lip with the wick in water.

There is plenty to do in the garden.
There is plenty to do in the garden.

Place it on a sunny windowsill and be sure to keep the water up to it by making sure the jar is half full so the water will travel up the leftover stocking. Occasionally it may need to be sprayed with some water too. In the coming weeks, the grass head will grow ‘hair’ much to the delight of your children.

You can also modify this to make a caterpillar by using a longer length of pantyhose, starting with a larger lump of sphagnum moss at the far end and just adding lawn seed to one side. Then knot it off and make a number of smaller lumps of sphagnum with lawn seed all on the same side. This caterpillar can have eyes added and be left to lie on a tray with the lawn seed facing upwards.

Growing cress in egg shells

Draw faces on cracked eggshells and stand them on toilet rolls so that they do not roll. Fill the shells with moist potting soil or compost and sow some quick growing seeds such as cress or mustard. In just a few days these faces will start to grow green hair. Use a sprayer bottle to spray them to keep the mix moist. The hair can be cut and used as a garnish or added to a salad.

Miniature Gardens

These are easily made using a wide plant bowl, potting soil and some small plants or succulent cuttings. Let your children arrange and plant them, and then let them add small figures, rocks, shells, pebbles, or anything that takes their fancy. With their imagination they can create a fairy or gnome garden, or tropical or safari landscape. You can use tubes of indoor plants if the pot will stay inside in the long term, or even convert an old fish tank into a terrarium.

Teepee cubby

Make a living cubby in a sunny area of your garden using stakes tied together at the top and grow climbing vegies or flowers up them. In the cooler weather you can use climbing peas (or sweet peas) while in the warmer months, climbing beans work well. Mark out a circle two-to-three metres across and prepare this ring of soil by removing weeds and adding in compost.

Bond over the great outdoors.
Bond over the great outdoors.

Tie the ends of 10 two-metre-high bamboo stakes together and spread them to form a teepee, leaving a slightly wider entrance area. Push the stakes into the ground securely and weave string between them to create extra support for the climbers. Plant seeds on the outside of each stake, water well and watch as they germinate and grow up to create a secret cubby.


Other fun activities can be making seed bombs, seed tapes for vegies that need thinning such as carrots, paper pots for planting vegie seeds, pebble mosaics or even making a scarecrow for the vegie patch.

For older kids who are interested in gardening, plants or the environment, why not create a wicking bed for growing vegies and herbs, a worm farm in an old bathtub or fridge, a native bee hotel, a frog pond, a nesting box for hollow-dependent creatures like birds, microbats or possums. Not only will you have fun helping kids with these projects, one of the best things you may ever grow in your garden may be a gardener.

Nature Craft

Using some basic craft materials such as cotton, knitting wool or string, craft glue and even a low temp glue gun, kids can have lots of fun making gumnut creatures.

Other cute options include making pictures from dried leaves or a mobile from sticks hung with feathers, nuts and pods.

The possibilities are endless here and it develops an appreciation of the amazing variety of gum nuts, cones, pods, leaves, sticks, bark and more to be found in your own garden, a walk down the street or a local park.

Growing Boots

Children grow out of clothes and shoes overnight. Take an old pair of shoes or rubber boots and plant them out. You can use seeds or seedling of annuals, choose small herbs or again use succulent cuttings. Be sure to make a few holes in the bottom of the boots and then fill with good quality potting mix. You can also do a similar thing with old toys, planting up old prams, sandpit trucks, wheelbarrows or toy carts.


Winter is a great time to get out and be active in your garden.

There are some ‘fair weather gardeners’ who complain about the rain and only head outside when it’s sunny and warm, however after our long, dry summer and autumn, a bit of winter gardening can be quite enjoyable.

In most parts of Australia we have more good days than bad during winter so there’s no reason not to keep on top of outdoor tasks.

The great thing about gardening in winter is the ground is damp and easy to dig. So here’s what you can do now that conditions are right.

It’s essential to get started on your winter gardening ASAP.
It’s essential to get started on your winter gardening ASAP.


As you look around your garden, you may find a number of plants which need a prune and tidy up.

And everything you do now will reap rewards when spring arrives.

As a rule, most plants benefit from pruning once a year after flowering.

Now is the time to prune back summer and autumn-flowering perennials and shrubs.

Top up mulch

While some people suggest that you should not have mulch on your garden over winter, as this is when most of our weeds start to appear, the general consensus is that it’s actually a good idea to keep a layer of mulch on the garden all year round.

If mulch has broken down during the warmer weather and you can start to see the soil, winter is a great time to top it up.

Because many plants have lost their leaves, it’s easier to see what you are doing in winter, and which plants need the most help.

‘One year’s seeding is seven years’ weeding.’
‘One year’s seeding is seven years’ weeding.’

Improve your soil and prepare for planting

Prepare any new garden areas for planting by working through organic matter such as compost and aged manures.

This turns your soil into a sponge. Not only does it improve your soil’s structure but also encourages earthworm and microbial activity.

Ideally, soil preparation should be done several months in advance to let the new ‘brew’ settle in.

Wipe out weeds

Try to bring weeds under control now before they explode into spring growth in a few months’ time.

More importantly, you really need to pull them out before they flower and set seed. As gardeners are fond of saying, ‘one year’s seeding is seven years’ weeding’.

For large garden areas where you plan to garden, but don’t yet have a concrete plan on how to go about it, it’s a good idea to sheet mulch in preparation. The soil will be nice and moist when you’re ready to garden.

Thomas Priftis and Ally Profits get stuck into some winter gardening. Picture: Tony Gough
Thomas Priftis and Ally Profits get stuck into some winter gardening. Picture: Tony Gough

Plant out in winter

This is the fun part, and yes, you can plant out in wintertime.

Whether it is bare rooted fruit or ornamental trees, roses or vines, crowns of strawberries, rhubarb or asparagus, or potted perennials and shrubs, get them in as soon as you can so that their root systems can start to establish.

The only exception to this is when you are planting subtropical plants such as citrus, passionfruit, frangipani or hibiscus These plants don’t like being planted into cool soil, so you are best to wait until the ground warms up in spring unless you live in a tropical region of Australia.

Time to transplant

Now is also the ideal time to transplant deciduous plants such as roses, shrubs and small fruit or ornamental trees. Make sure you prune to compensate for any root loss. As a general rule, it’s also a good idea to dig the hole wide and deep enough to get as much of the plant’s roots out as possible.

Prune it

Roses, fruit trees, hydrangeas and grape vines should all be pruned once they have lost their leaves.

While you’re at it, look out for rose suckers and deal with them promptly. Suckers can occur on any grafted plant where part of the root stock shoots up. If they are not removed, they can eventually take over the whole plant.

This can be difficult to do without getting stabbed by thorns, so wear gloves. The trick is to wait until the ground is really moist and then rip them off, rather than cut them off, otherwise they will reshoot.

Does your garden need a redesign. Picture: Fig Landscapes.
Does your garden need a redesign. Picture: Fig Landscapes.

When you do strike a day when the weather is too miserable for tackling outdoor maintenance, and you don’t have any undercover projects, settle into a warm nook indoors and use the time to do some garden planning. It’s as simple as typing gardening ideas into a search engine.

Work out how you can redesign your garden to improve its structure, content and appearance. Do you need to design to create more shade for summer with trees or structures? Do you want to add focal points or simply rearrange garden beds where there have been some plant casualties? You could also do some gardening homework, such as sharpening and maintaining your tools, researching suitable plants or even gardening techniques.


Q. I have really sandy soil. How can I improve it? And what types of plants should I consider that are likely to do well in this type of soil?

A. The main challenges with sandy soils relate to the fact that they dry out so quickly and fail to retain moisture or nutrients. In addition, they are often described as ‘hydrophobic’ or ‘non-wetting’ which means, although water is applied, it fails to penetrate and soak into the soil.

As a result, the soil has an almost waxy or water-repelling quality and after watering, the water can be seen pooling on the surface of the soil. The solution to improving these soils is to add organic matter in the form of composts and well-rotted animal manures through the top 15cm to 20cm of soil.

Clay can also be added at a rate of about one part clay to four parts of the original sand, or you can purchase bentonite as a clay-based soil wetter.

As a short-term solution, the use of organic-based soil wetters may help, but in the long-term, the addition of organic matter and clay is the key to helping hold moisture and nutrients in the soil.

There are ways to combat sandy soil.
There are ways to combat sandy soil.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, select plants that tolerate sandy well-drained soils. Many plants thrive on sandy soils, especially Australian natives. If you are trying to grow a plant that needs to stay moist all summer in sandy soil, you are destined to have problems, and the only way that it will flourish will be if you can ‘pour’ the water on, which in itself is not very environmentally sensible: we are trying to garden within our particular constraints, not despite them.

Mulch, which is vital with any soil, is critical with sandy soils. Use organic mulches which, as they break down, will continue to add organic matter to the soil. In this way, the mulch serves several purposes. It keeps the root system of the plant cool, helps to hold the moisture in the soil and stops the plant from drying out. It also increases the organic matter content of the soil.

Q. I am growing cannas for the first time and have been blessed with some beautiful blooms. I read somewhere that you should cut the plants back to ground level after flowering. Is this correct?

A. Like many perennials, giving cannas a hard prune after flowering is advisable to keep them looking their best. This will encourage new growth and you will get a great display of blooms next summer.

If you don’t cut them back hard you will still get the fresh new growth and flowers in summer, however it will appear amongst last season’s growth, which will look scrappy.



These fascinating succulents with architectural foliage and form send up spikes of colourful tubular flowers for many months in the cooler weather.

While aloe vera may be the best-known species renowned as a treatment for sunburn and minor burns, the diversity of other aloe species and cultivars available means there is one to suit any sunny position.

Sophie Thomson’s Plant of the week – Aloe
Sophie Thomson’s Plant of the week – Aloe

They range in size and form, from low clumping plants, climbers, through medium and tall shrubs, up to forms which develop into trees. Flowers range from vibrant reds, orange and yellows to mellow pink, salmons and creams and not only are these flowers attractive to us, but honey-eating birds just love the nectar-rich blooms, as do butterflies and bees.

They look great in the ground, in pots or troughs. They also grow in well-drained soils and tolerate drought, salt winds and mild frosts.

Send Sophie your gardening questions via

Originally published as Gardening ideas: The secret sense that will transform your backyard

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