
Today co-host Lisa Wilkinson opens up her home

FROM books to boxers, the Today Show co-host’s home is an inviting and warm place to relax. Take a look inside at some of her favourite things.

Home is Kids, dogs and Pete on the lounge writing his latest book says Wilkinson. Photogr
Home is Kids, dogs and Pete on the lounge writing his latest book says Wilkinson. Photogr

YOU get the impression Lisa Wilkinson doesn’t have a lot of time to sit around.

We catch her between getting home from the Channel 9 studios where she is co-presenter of the Today show and packing for an overseas work trip.

It’s all part of the mix for someone still deeply interested in meeting new people and learning about the world around her, even after more than 30 years in journalism.

Her career is dotted with achievements from being the youngest editor appointed to Dolly magazine at the age of 21 to drawing attention to sexism in the Australian television industry as speaker at last year’s Andrew Olle lecture.

Her adventurous spirit is evident in the way she has decorated the home she shares with husband Peter FitzSimons and their three teenage children.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos

When the pair met, Peter had already lived and worked in France, and they discovered a shared passion for the country and its culture.

“Growing up, I loved anything to do with France,” she says. “I came into my marriage a Francophile so Pete and I have a shared love of all things French.

“I love everything about it — in my head I’m already there.”

Along with a French influence, Lisa’s home is littered with vintage finds picked up over the years.

“Like a lot of things in my life, I love people and things that come to me with a story,” she says. “Most of our furniture has come to us pre-loved.”

Here are a few of her favourite things in her home.


I’ve spent 10 years trying to grow a particular rose I saw in France. I lived in hope that it would flower but the blooms would always fall off without opening. Two years ago, something happened and they began to put on the most incredible show in April and November.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos

Books and magazines

I rarely have time to just sit and read. My favourite book would have to be To Kill a Mockingbird. Gregory Peck playing Atticus in the movie reminds me so much of my dad. They were men who understood what was right in the world.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos


My great aunt was given this by the children she taught at the local Sunday school in Campbelltown, where I grew up. I have worn it every day for 30 years. It loses two to three minutes every day but I love it even more for its flaws. Campbelltown was a great place to grow up.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos

Wooden figure

I love art that celebrates women like this beautiful painted figure from Spain.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos


I’ve collected quilts for a long time. Some are from Paris flea markets but the most beautiful one I have I bought from Vinnies for $10. They’re always out and being used. If you have things you love, you should use them every day.

Photography By Steve Morenos
Photography By Steve Morenos

Straw hat

I bought this hat from Sportsgirl 15 years ago. It’s great because I can chuck it in a bag and it always bounces back into shape. I was 16 when I read in Dolly that it was not a good idea to go out into the sun so I’ve always protected myself.

Photography: Steve Morenos.
Photography: Steve Morenos.

Scout the dog

I grew up with boxer dogs and I wanted my kids to have the same experience. I named her after my favourite character in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Dog: Scout (Boxer).
Dog: Scout (Boxer).

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