
Does your dog have anxiety? An expert’s guide to understanding the signs

While it’s normal for dogs to experience small amounts of anxiety, animals exhibiting stress symptoms frequently could actually be suffering from a mental illness. Here is what you can do.

Rewarding your dog for Good Behaviour

It’s well-known that Australians are in the midst of an anxiety epidemic.

However, it turns out that it’s not just us humans who are suffering from feelings of stress — our pooches are too.

Just like us, our four-legged friends are subject to stress and anxiety, be it as a result of fear, uncertainties, unpredictability, or inadequate enrichment and stimulation.

“Scientific research has shown that all mammal brains experience basic emotions — joy, anger, fear and sadness,” Greencross Vets animal behavioural expert and veterinary director Dr Cathy Lau said.

“While dogs experiencing a small amount of anxiety every so often is completely normal, when it arises frequently in a safe environment, it’s considered a mental illness.”

Recognising the signs of stress in our dogs is just the start of helping them live a content life
Recognising the signs of stress in our dogs is just the start of helping them live a content life

Given these mental health problems can develop into serious behaviour issues, which may manifest as aggression, excessive barking, hyperactivity and destruction — and considering behavioural issues are the main reason for pets being handed in to shelters — it’s vital owners know how to identify distress in their pups.

From the warning signs and potential triggers, to techniques for managing it and pre-empting it; read on for Dr Lau’s ultimate guide to canine stress and anxiety.


While dogs can’t talk to tell us about any mental woes, they do give an indication of their state of mind by their body language.

“Dogs tell us a lot with their expressions,” Dr Lau said.

We can learn a lot from our dog’s expressions and consider our responses to help them.
We can learn a lot from our dog’s expressions and consider our responses to help them.

“Signs of a fearful dog include crouching, ears pinned back, frowning, and looking away, as well as excessive panting, drooling, yawning, lip licking, paw lifting, and even hyper-excitement.

“If a dog is feeling stressed and threatened, it may also growl, lift its lips and show its teeth. Most often an ‘aggressive’ dog is a fearful dog, fear can progress to defensive behaviour if the signs were ignored. If you see any signs of stress in a dog, leave it alone give it space.”


Given stress and anxiety is subjective, what triggers these reactions in one dog will have no impact on another.

One of the keys to managing stress in your own pooch is to identify their individual triggers, be it a thunderstorm, or a new environment.

“Take note on what’s stressing your dog out,” Dr Lau said. “Is it the sound from the construction site down the road? Is it when other dogs approach your dog too quickly? Is it the constant fight for food with other pets in the household?”


Offering anxious dogs a space in which they feel safe is key in managing stress, according to Dr Lau.

Like humans, dogs respond differently to stress triggers.
Like humans, dogs respond differently to stress triggers.

“Dogs need some control on their environment to feel safe. This could be a crate, a kennel, or a confined area like a play pen. Your dog should be allowed to chew, play and stretch out in the confined area, and other pets should not have access to it.”


When reinforcing any behaviour in your pet pooch, positivity is key — punishing a dog, or reacting negatively, will have the opposite effect of just reinforcing the bad behaviour.

“Never shout at, or punish a fearful dog,” Dr Lau said.

Providing a safe space for anxious dogs will help manage their stress.
Providing a safe space for anxious dogs will help manage their stress.

“Recognise good and calm behaviour of your dog and reward with treats, toys or praises. This is extremely important for your dog to feel safe around you.”


Dogs love a routine and any abrupt changes can cause distress, so with already anxious pooches, a regimented schedule is even more important.

“Predictability and certainty can be very helpful for stressed and anxious pets,” Dr Lau said.

“For example, going for walks on the same route, and feeding at a similar time of the day.”


Stimulating your pet mentally is another great for helping to lower stress and alleviate boredom.

“Use different types of enrichment idea everyday, be it toys or feeding puzzles,” Dr Lau said. “You can also get your dog to perform tricks or tasks in exchange for treats — most dogs learn quickly when food is given as a motivation.”


We all love catching up with our mates, so why should our pets be any different? As in the human world, social interactions in the canine community are a key aspect of a dog’s wellbeing.

“Know your dog’s personality (introvert or extrovert?), the animals and people he or she likes to spend time with and arrange activities together,” Dr Lau said. “But avoid any activities where you dog might feel scared. Remember only appropriate social interactions are beneficial for your dog.”


Just like us, regular exercise doesn’t just benefit a dog’s physical health — it’s also a huge boon for their mental wellbeing.

“Exercise is important for mental health,” Dr Lau said. “However, in contrast to common belief, a physically exhausted dog isn’t a calmer dog. A more leisurely walk on a beautiful day will help both relax you’re dog and make them feel happy.”

Originally published as Does your dog have anxiety? An expert’s guide to understanding the signs

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