
Our Journalists

Miranda WoodAssistant Editor

Miranda Wood is Assistant Editor at The Sunday Telegraph. Her previous roles have included Chief of Staff and Head of News and Entertainment at The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph. Email:


WEEKEND TELEGRAPH - 23/9/20MUST NOT PUBLISH WITHOUT CLEARING WITH WEEKEND PIC ED JEFF DARMANIN -  Rhiannon Spargo with her 5-year-old son, Caide. The 32-year-old mum has suffered three heartbreaking miscarriages with her last one in July when she was 14 weeks pregnant. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Fears for women dealing with miscarriages during pandemic

Every day in Australia, 282 women report a miscarriage with one in four pregnancies ending before 20 weeks. But the pandemic has made the loss even worse, with an early pregnancy loss organisation reporting a 60 per cent increase in the number of requests for help during COVID-19.

funeral for former nsw premier john fakey digi art

John Fahey farewelled: ‘A man who lived to serve‘

A moving state funeral for former NSW premier John Fahey — known in parliament as ‘Have A Chat’ during his time there — has honoured a man who adored his family and had three major passions — politics, sport and religion.

L-R Photo of NSW Transport cleaners, Rahil Nerkar; Judy Navidi and Andrew Kroenert, working on a train wagon. On Friday 18 September 2020.(Sunday Telegraph/Flavio Brancaleone)

NSW workers can get $1500 iso-leave

NSW workers forced to isolate for COVID-19 can now access the federal government’s $1500 pandemic payment after it was decided there was no need for a state of emergency declaration here to access the cash. It comes as NSW recorded its first coronavirus death in months.

HOLD WEEKEND NEWSPAPERS SPECIALGeorgia Brodrick 22, tried to commit suicide by jumping out of her apartment window falling eight stories. She has opened up about her struggles with domestic violence and mental health. Picture: David Caird

Abuse victim’s desperate 8-storey jump to escape partner

Georgia Brodrick has been left in a wheelchair after having to jump from her apartment balcony to escape her allegedly abusive partner. Another woman took the same action a month earlier. It comes as a major Sydney hospital has recorded a dramatic spike in domestic violence cases during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WEEKEND TELEGRAPHS - 3/9/20MUST NOT USE BEFORE CHECKING WITH WEEKEND PIC EDITOR JEFF DARMANIN - SUNDAY TELEGRAPH FATHERS DAY SPECIAL - TV personalities and brothers Karl and Peter Stefanovic with their kids in the studio today. Karl Stefanovic and daughter Harper (left) pictured with Peter Stefanovic and Oscar (right). Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Karl and Peter Stefanovic reveal they want more kids

As doting dads, the Stefanovic brothers, celebrate their first Father’s Day with their little ones — Karl with four-month-old daughter Harper and Peter with son Oscar — the TV morning hosts have revealed they want more children.

SUNDAY TELEGRAPH - 25/6/20 New twin boys Khalil (lft) and Khodar (right) at their Denham Court home today after an emergency delivery on the roadside by paramedics. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Twins in dramatic birth by roadside in rush hour

If having twins wasn’t exciting enough, one couple had to deal with the surprise double birth while parked on the side of a Sydney road in peak hour traffic — with one of the babies making a dangerous breech delivery. LISTEN TO THE TRIPLE-0 CALL

Ruby Princess boss’s plea: bring cruise ship back to NSW

Ruby Princess boss’s plea: bring cruise ship back to NSW

Carnival Australia’s boss has called on the government to allow the Ruby Princess’s crew to return to NSW after they were told ‘it’s time to go home’. Five passengers aboard the ship, which docked in Sydney earlier this month, have died. LIVE COVERAGE

Digital art for sunday telegraph

Shocking ‘gotcha’ pictures capture texting drivers

These are the extraordinary “gotcha” pictures that will strike fear into reckless drivers. New cameras capable of detecting motorists illegally using mobile phones in cars travelling up to 300km/h are on NSW roads.

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