SA’s brain drain easing
The flow of people from South Australia to big city lights in other states is on the decline, new figures show. But we are still losing plenty of people each week to the “brain drain”.
The flow of people from South Australia to big city lights in other states is on the decline, new figures show. But we are still losing plenty of people each week to the “brain drain”.
SA operators they face their toughest ever fight to get back in the tourism game when the pandemic crisis passes. But broad horizons may not be needed to save travelling billions.
As a journalist the last thing I want to do is make it easier for governments to track my movements, writes Matt Smith, but the coronavirus tracing app is nothing to fear
Quarantined Olympic-style villages for the footy industry would be set up in South Australia to restart the AFL season under a plan the league’s floated to Premier Steven Marshall.
COVID-19 has forced a stop to surprise visits to facilities by the aged care watchdog. But amid national lockdowns, calls are growing for them to be bought back.
The State Government will tomorrow announce a $50 million new package to help landlords in a move the treasurer says will prove crucial to SA’s economic recovery.
The Premier, Opposition Leader and SA’s top doc have all renewed calls for South Australians to sign up to a controversial app they say will speed up our exit from coronavirus shutdown.
In open letters to parents and teachers, SA’s chief public health officer has appealed for kids to go back to school for Term 2, saying they can be confident it is safe. But the Education Minister won’t force worried parents to do so.
In the first three weeks of the coronavirus lockdown, SA lost more than 5 per cent of its jobs. The Premier says his government must do more to help businesses survive the next six months.
International education is South Australia’s biggest export but is facing its biggest ever challenge. A new $13.8 million fund is aimed at alleviating some of the pain.
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