
Linear Park sex offender refuses to control predatory impulses, court told

THE sex offender who terrorised Linear Park refuses to control his predatory drives, a court has heard.

THE sex offender who terrorised Linear Park refuses to control his predatory drives, a court has heard.

Prosecutors yesterday asked the Supreme Court to sentence Aiden Harvey Driver to indefinite detention as an uncontrollable sexual predator.

Mark Alessandrini, prosecuting, said: "Based on the opinion of two psychologists, Driver is unwilling to control his sexual instincts.

"He is capable of doing so, but is currently unwilling to do so. There is a significant risk that, if given the opportunity to commit an offence, he will fail to exercise control."

Driver, 20, has pleaded guilty to charges including rape, indecent assault and home invasion.

Mr Alessandrini said that, in May 2009, Driver broke into a home at West Hindmarsh. "Upon entry, he placed his arm over the victim's throat and pushed hard, causing her to believe she was going to die," he said. He said Driver raped the woman three times before fleeing.

In July 2009, Driver attacked a woman walking her dogs at Linear Park, Felixstow. "He lunged at her and grabbed her buttocks," Mr Alessandrini said. "She ran away."

Three hours later, Driver launched a second attack on another woman at Vale Park. "He approached her, passed her and then grabbed her from behind," he said. "He dragged her toward the bushes and pulled at her pants. She fought him off and ran to a nearby road, alerting others."

He said Driver was arrested after being identified by an eye-witness. His DNA was matched to the West Hindmarsh rapes.

More evidence will be heard on Friday.

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