
In a world first, intruder Nathan evicts himself from the Big Brother house

IN a dramatic night on Big Brother, the tears flowed as male intruder Nathan opted to leave the house so female intruders Boog and Madaline could stay on.

IN a dramatic night on Big Brother, the tears flowed as male intruder Nathan opted to leave the house so female intruders Boog and Madaline could stay on.

Earlier, the housemates were called together and told to vote on which of the two female intruders they wanted to make a permanent housemate - and which one they wanted to evict.

Madaline was the clear favourite, despite Tim stating that he loved Boog, and she was the kind of girl he wanted to marry.

But shortly afterwards, a tearful Nathan went to the diary room and told Big Brother he wanted to leave so both Boog and Madaline could stay in the house.

The video of his chat with Big Brother was later played to the housemates, with tears flowing from almost all the housemates.

"I'm too different," Nathan said, adding that he had done everything in the house that he had set out to do.

Earlier in the episode, Nathan had talked about his difficulties fitting in with the Big Brother housemates, saying that his age had been a barrier.

He also had a bristling exchange with Tim in which he accused the 29-year-old environmental science student of going out of his way to make other people "feel bad".

Nathan's departure was a shock to many of the housemates, including Madaline, who later told Big Brother she hated the thought that Nathan had felt unwelcome in the house.

The reaction on social media was just as shocked, with many taking to Twitter to register their sadness - and surprise that a show like Big Borther had moved them to tears.


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