
How well do the The Bachelor couple Anna and Tim know each other?

IT’S been five months since Anna accepted Tim’s final rose and the pair are still besotted with each other. But we found out some surprising revelations about them.

The Bachelor - Relive the magic

IT’S been five months since Anna accepted Tim’s final rose – three months if you count the time they haven’t had to hide their romance from the public.

Celebrating their first Valentine’s Day together yesterday, it’s clear the pair are besotted with each other – but you’d only have to look at their Instagram feeds to know that.

While entering into a reality TV contest isn’t the most conventional way to meet a partner, both Anna and Tim insist it was the best thing they’ve ever done.

“Everyone was very sceptical and everyone doubted me,” Tim told of applying for the show, “but I went in and knew what I was in for and just tried to be as true to myself as I could be, and it worked out so well. Everyone hammers you, but I said from the start that I was going in with integrity and look at us now.”

Added Anna of their plans together: “I don’t know what the future holds, but all I know it that we’re going to be together.”

Bachelor TV stars, Tim Robards and girlfriend Anna Heinrich. Picture: Instagram
Bachelor TV stars, Tim Robards and girlfriend Anna Heinrich. Picture: Instagram

The pair said that while they still live at separate addresses, they spend six nights a week together cooking, hanging with their families, going to the beach and going on what Tim calls “mini adventures”.

And true to form, hopeless romantic Tim says he had big plans for Anna last night – “but it won’t involve helicopters or anything like that” – he assures.

Hope you let Anna down gently Tim.

So we decided to put the pair to the test, to see just how well they know each other – and to find out some interesting trivia along the way:

What is your guilty pleasure?

Tim: Chocolate, cheese or wine
Anna on Tim:
Tim doesn’t really have one, he does enjoy sweet food, but he doesn’t have a guilty pleasure, as such. It’s hard for me...
Mine is definitely chocolate.

Tim on Anna: Chocolate

Anna Heinrich with 2013 Bachelor, Tim Robards. Picture: Bradley Hunter
Anna Heinrich with 2013 Bachelor, Tim Robards. Picture: Bradley Hunter

What is your favourite thing to do as a couple?

Tim: To go on a mini adventure, so whether that’s a day thing or go away for the weekend, I try to always do something different.

Anna on Tim:Tim loves taking the boat out and going wakeboarding, actually any sports really. He’s so sports orientated so I have to try and keep up with him!

Anna:Just spending the entire weekend, hanging out, hitting the beach. Also travelling.

Tim on Anna: She just loves to snuggle up on the couch and throw on a movie or watch me cook dinner.

How would their family sum you up?

Tim: I think her Mum’s in love with me, she’s got a secret crush on me, and I’ve got a bit of a secret crush on her as well, so if things don’t work out with Anna, then y’know. No, I think they’d say I’m respectful.

Anna on Tim:My family would say he’s just the most caring bloke.

Anna:I’d hope that they would say that I’m caring and very loving. I don’t know, that I’m a hard worker, down to earth.

Tim on Anna: She’s a breath of fresh air and beautiful.

The Bachelor contestant Anna Heinrich with Tim Robards. Supplied by Ten.
The Bachelor contestant Anna Heinrich with Tim Robards. Supplied by Ten.

If you guys won a million dollars, what’s the first thing you/they would spend it on?

Tim:I would probably take us both on a big holiday, I’d splurge it on a big adventure.

Anna on Tim: I’d like to say Tim would spend it on me ... but he loves his travel as much as me so I’d think he would travel.

Anna: We’ve always loved travelling so I would definitely take it and travel the world. If I was being really sensible I’d say spend it on a house, but you know...

Tim on Anna: Herself!
If you were given a free pass to spend a night with any celebrity, who would you choose?

Tim: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Anna on Tim: Tim would say Arnold Schwarzenegger, he loves him.

Anna: I like to think of Tim as a bit of a celebrity, so I want to say him. But otherwise... I’m going to be really obvious here and appeal to the masses, so Ryan Gosling.
Tim on Anna:
She’d choose Flo Rida, it’s a bit of a joke between us.

An instagram photo from Anna Heinrich's account of her with her boyfriend Tim Robards.
An instagram photo from Anna Heinrich's account of her with her boyfriend Tim Robards.

What is your most annoying habit?

Tim: Running late and time management - I try to squeeze too much into my day.

Anna on Tim: He is ALWAYS late. I am forever waiting for him. I had to wait 20 minutes for him to get here [to the interview], I was tearing my hair out. He hates that I’m always so on time. Comes with the job I guess.

Anna: Mine is that I’m so punctual. I’m never late, I can’t stand being late.

Tim on Anna: When she rolls over in bed she always pulls the doona with her, she doesn’t know how to roll with the doona

What is your biggest fear?

Tim: Growing too much grey hair and Anna not being attracted to a grey headed man. That, or not being able to be active.

Anna on Tim: Tim’s is his fear of heights. He’s actually terrified of heights, most people don’t know that about him. Also when I go too fast on the jetski, he gets scared then.

Anna: Before The Bachelor I would have said being alone, hah, how sad.

Tim on Anna: Losing me.

Tim Robards and Anna Heinrich at the Universal Pictures Endless Love dinner at Luna Park.
Tim Robards and Anna Heinrich at the Universal Pictures Endless Love dinner at Luna Park.

What was your childhood nickname?

Tim: ‘Timmeh’ or ‘Tofu Boy’

Anna on Tim: He didn’t really have one. ‘Timmy’ maybe, when he’s in trouble he gets ‘Timmy...’

Tim on Anna: I don’t think she had one, pass.

Anna: Mine was ‘Spanner’, or ‘Anna-banana’.

What is your favourite thing about your partner?

Tim: Her eyes and her smile.

Anna on Tim: I would hope that Tim says I’m accepting, very open and honest and I never judge people until I’ve met them. But he also always says he loves my skin.

Anna: What I love about Tim is that he surprises everyone, he comes across as a big macho bloke but he’s actually very kind and caring and generous ... also his abs. Tim would say the same thing about himself, he looks after people, he’s very family orientated and loves everyone around him. Also his body, I mean, he’d have to love it, right?

Tim on Anna: My cooking, but she’d probably say my muscles or something.

If you’re single and looking for love we have great news, Channel Ten is currently casting for the second season of The Bachelor right now and you can apply online HERE.

The happy couple on Valentine’s Day.

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