
Who? Why? When? How? 12 questions on Port family exemptions that SA Health must answer

Someone in SA Health bypassed a well-established review system to grant travel exemptions to Port Adelaide players’ families. So who knew what? We put 12 questions to SA Health – it has responded with some answers.

SA Health leaders Chris McGowan and Nicola Spurrier, Premier Steven Marshall and Events South Australia executive Hitaf Rasheed have all been dragged into the AFL families border exemptions scandal.
SA Health leaders Chris McGowan and Nicola Spurrier, Premier Steven Marshall and Events South Australia executive Hitaf Rasheed have all been dragged into the AFL families border exemptions scandal.

For some people, this is the straw that has broken their emotional fortitude. Unable to see families for months on end due to strict and well-established exemption rules, South Australians have up until now been stoic and strong with a palpable sense of “we’re all in this together”.

But somehow, one SA Health bureaucrat decided that we’re not. Family members of Port Adelaide players were inexplicably considered more important than those trying to see dying relatives. Somehow, a well-publicised process where exemptions are reviewed and then approved or rejected by a panel was bypassed.

SA Health, Professor Nicola Spurrier and the State Government have so far done an outstanding job keeping South Australians safe – which makes this unacceptable breach of protocol all the more confounding.

On the day that borders open up with NSW, tough questions must be answered to restore the public’s faith in the system. Here’s what The Advertiser considers the 12 most important questions to be answered by the authorities – let us know what else you’d like answered in the comments box below.

UPDATE: In response to these questions, SA Health has responded with the following answers:

An external review will be undertaken to look at what areas of our exemption processes can be improved.

The review will also look at the circumstances of the incorrect approvals to determine what steps can be taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

One individual has been counselled as a result of the incorrect approvals.

■ Who made the decision?

One individual has been counselled as a result of the incorrect approvals.

■ Did the person who made the decision have a conflict of interest – is he or she associated with the club in any way?

“No, my understanding, absolutely, is that they had no connection whatsoever. So, this was a mistake, it was poor judgment …” Professor Nicola Spurrier, from transcript provided by SA Health.

“There has been no personal gain from this, it was an administrative error among thousands of applications. I think there would be a problem if there was undue process but there is no suggestion of that.” Premier Steven Marshall from this morning’s press conference.

■ What were the reasons given for granting the exemption?

The review will also look at the circumstances of the incorrect approvals to determine what steps can be taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

■ How did he or she apparently bypass the review system / panel process?
Statement above is applicable.

■ How did that person receive the application?
Statement above is applicable.

■ What did the application say?

Statement above is applicable.

■ Who represented the Port Adelaide player families?

As published in today’s Advertiser and covered at press conference this morning, Hitaf Rasheed made initial contact with SA Health.

■ Did former Port Adelaide media boss Hitaf Rasheed, who now works for the government at the Tourism Commission, use her official government position to gain access to the SA Health employee who made the decision?

This is different from the question you have published online.

■ Is it common practice that officials from government departments, such as SA Tourism, directly contact SA Health with inquiries about exemptions?

We receive hundreds of exemption applications.

Premier Steven Marshall said his own office was asked to advocate for people on an “hourly basis” but he was not involved in the independent process.

“I have had requests from members of parliament, Labor, Liberal, former premiers of South Australia saying can you process it … but it is completely and utterly independent and so it should be.

“Jay Weatherill contacted me asking if I can process something, but I don’t put it in, Channel 7 asked me, the reality is we process them through an independent process … but there is no suggestion of political interference from a government department.”

■ What is going to happen to the SA Health bureaucrat who made the decision?

Statement above is applicable.

■ When did SA Health first become aware the families had arrived?

“This … came to light yesterday afternoon …” Professor Nicola Spurrier, from transcript provided by SA Health.

■ Did Professor Spurrier find out about the decision at the same time as Chris McGowan, the chief executive of SA Health?

“We all found out at virtually the same time …” Professor Nicola Spurrier, from transcript provided by SA Health.

■ Will the Port Adelaide families be sent back to Victoria?

Covered at both pressers and Professor Spurrier said this morning: “The thing is my job really is to look at public health and safety and if we took somebody who was at a higher risk of developing a disease got them back to the airport and back on the plane that actually puts more risk to the public in terms of the transmission of this disease, they’re in a hotel quarantine room they’re paying for that themselves and that is the safest place for them in terms of public health.”

The Advertiser has forwarded this editorial directly to the Premier Steven Marshall, Professor Nicola Spurrier, SA Health chief executive Chris McGowan and Health Minister Stephen Wade.

Port players’ families wrongly allowed into SA (7 News)

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