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Unvaxxed LGAs under 40 per cent: Where they are

There are still more than 50 local government areas yet to hit a 40 per cent vaccination target. See where they are.

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Hitting the 80 per cent double dose Covid vaccine target holds the promise of more freedom than most Aussies have known in more than a year.

According to the Australian Government’s Operation Covid Shield report Monday, 76.1 per cent of Aussies over the age of 16 have had at least one dose, and 51.8 per cent are fully vaccinated.

But there are still more than 50 local government areas (LGAs) which are yet to reach the 40 per cent full vaccination rate. Tasmania and the ACT are only state/territory in the country where all LGAs have passed this milestone.

See how the other states fare, according to Operation Covid Shield’s weekly report, also out today.


Byron LGA (population aged 15 and over – 29,052)

First dose: 65.9%; Second dose 38%

Muswellbrook LGA (population aged 15 and over – 12,673)

First dose: 74.9%; Second dose 39.5%


Banana LGA (population aged 15 and over – 11,003)

First dose: 53.2%; Second dose: 31.2%

Central Highlands LGA (population aged 15 and over – 21,430)

First dose: 46.2%%; Second dose: 31.6%

Charters Towers LGA (population aged 15 and over – 9384)

First dose: 46.4%; Second dose: 31.4%

Cherbourg LGA (population aged 15 and over – 841)

First dose: 30.0%; Second dose: 18.8%

Gladstone LGA (population aged 15 and over – 48,845)

First dose: 54.9%; Second dose: 36.6%

Ipswich LGA (population aged 15 and over – 169,205)

First dose: 59.5%; Second dose: 39.6%

Isaac LGA (population aged 15 and over – 15,572)

First dose: 35.2%; Second dose: 19.9%

Lockyer Valley LGA (population aged 15 and over – 33,721)

First dose: 56.1%; Second dose: 33.5%

Logan LGA (population aged 15 and over – 257,354)

First dose: 56.1%; Second dose: 34.8%

Mackay LGA (population aged 15 and over – 92,238)

First dose: 57.1%; Second dose: 37.8%

Mareeba LGA (population aged 15 and over – 18,704)

First dose: 54.1%; Second dose: 39.8%

Rockhampton LGA (population aged 15 and over – 64,482)

First dose: 56.6%; Second dose: 39.5%

Scenic Rim LGA (population aged 15 and over – 35,027)

First dose: 60.0%; Second dose: 39.2%

South Burnett LGA (population aged 15 and over – 26,417)

First dose: 56.8%; Second dose: 36.1%

Western Downs LGA (population aged 15 and over – 26,827)

First dose: 55.1%; Second dose: 37.9%

Whitsunday LGA (population aged 15 and over – 29,012)

First dose: 52.6%; Second dose: 31.7%

Yarrabah LGA (population aged 15 and over – 1919)

First dose: 29.8%; Second dose: 16.5%


Adelaide Plains LGA (population aged 15 and over – 7450)

First dose: 52.7%; Second dose: 34.5%

Grant LGA (population aged 15 and over – 7072)

First dose: 18.9%; Second dose: 10.6%

Mid Murray LGA (population aged 15 and over – 7878)

First dose: 57.0%; Second dose: 38.6%

Murray Bridge LGA (population aged 15 and over – 18,602)

First dose: 57.0%; Second dose: 39.7%

Peterborough LGA (population aged 15 and over – 1470)

First dose: 55.0%; Second dose: 32.7%

Playford LGA (population aged 15 and over – 72,425)

First dose: 50.1%; Second dose: 33.6%

Renmark Paringa LGA (population aged 15 and over – 8204)

First dose: 60.2%; Second dose: 35.4%

Salisbury LGA (population aged 15 and over – 114,763)

First dose: 57.0%; Second dose: 39.4%


Brimbank LGA (population aged 15 and over – 171,362)

First dose: 71.92%; Second dose: 38.8%

Greater Dandenong LGA (population aged 15 and over – 138,053)

First dose: 72.4%; Second dose: 36.3%

Hume LGA (population aged 15 and over – 180,782)

First dose: 73.8%; Second dose: 35.1%

Melbourne LGA (population aged 15 and over – 168,298)

First dose: 64.1%; Second dose: 33.7%

Melton LGA (population aged 15 and over – 124,611)

First dose: 75.2%; Second dose: 37.9%

Whittlesea LGA (population aged 15 and over – 180,925)

First dose: 71.7%; Second dose: 37.9%

Unincorporated Vic LGA population aged 15 and over – (768)

First dose: 40.6%; Second dose: 19.8%


Armadale LGA (population aged 15 and over – 69,570)

First dose: 58.1%; Second dose: 39.6%

Boddington LGA (population aged 15 and over – 1453)

First dose: 51.6%; Second dose: 36.3%

Broomehill-Tambellup LGA (population aged 15 and over – 827)

First dose: 49.3%; Second dose: 32.9%

Chapman Valley LGA (population aged 15 and over – 1179)

First dose: 39.3%; Second dose: 23.9%

Chittering LGA (population aged 15 and over – 4799)

First dose: 55.4%; Second dose: 37.4%

Coolgardie LGA (population aged 15 and over – 2660)

First dose: 38.8%; Second dose: 24.8%

Cranbrook LGA (population aged 15 and over – 846)

First dose: 60.5%; Second dose: 35.2%

Gingin LGA (population aged 15 and over – 4484)

First dose: 59.0%; Second dose: 35.8%

Gosnells LGA (population aged 15 and over – 97,821)

First dose: 58.4%; Second dose: 38.9%

Kalgoorlie/Boulder LGA (population aged 15 and over – 22,664)

First dose: 51.1%; Second dose: 34.3%

Katanning LGA (population aged 15 and over – 3176)

First dose: 55.4%; Second dose: 37.2%

Kwinana LGA (population aged 15 and over – 34,833)

First dose: 54.1%; Second dose: 37.4%

Merredin LGA (population aged 15 and over – 2715)

First dose: 53.4%; Second dose: 34.1%

Murray LGA (population aged 15 and over – 14,573)

First dose: 56.8%; Second dose: 37.3%

Northam LGA (population aged 15 and over – 9004)

First dose: 56.5%; Second dose: 37.3%

Serpentine-Jarrahdale LGA (population aged 15 and over – 24,591)

First dose: 51.9%; Second dose: 34.5%

Swan LGA (population aged 15 and over – 114,972)

First dose: 58.3%; Second dose: 37.5%

Toodyay LGA (population aged 15 and over – 3851)

First dose: 58.3%; Second dose: 39.9%

Waroona LGA (population aged 15 and over – 3452)

First dose: 56.2%; Second dose: 37.6%

West Arthur LGA (population aged 15 and over – 624)

First dose: 63.6%; Second dose: 39.1%

Woodanilling LGA (population aged 15 and over – 335)

First dose: 49.0%; Second dose: 31.6%


Litchfield LGA (population aged 15 and over – 21,345)

First dose: 44.2%; Second dose: 36.29.6%

Note on areas with large remote and very remote areas:

The process of geocoding addresses in very remote areas and remote areas can lead to

artificially low vaccine dose count records in those areas (as addresses cannot be ‘pinpointed’ to a specific client location, and therefore LGA). Vaccine rates in these areas have not been

provided, and the areas have been highlighted to indicate they are remote or very remote. For

vaccine rates relevant to these areas, please consult the weekly SA4 data release from Operation COVIDShield. SA4 data is generally of larger population regions, so undercounting of doses has less impact on overall coverage ratios.

Originally published as Unvaxxed LGAs under 40 per cent: Where they are

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