
Coronavirus: Scott Morrison gives update, Donald Trump suggests new ways of fighting virus

Scott Morrison has said new guidelines are coming on a range of restrictions in place, and Australians can expect the COVID-19 contact tracing app.

Health advice for schools  'cannot be more clear': PM

Scott Morrison has said new guidelines are coming on a range of restrictions in place, and Australians can expect the COVID-19 contact tracing app soon.

Mr Morrison said the app to automate contact tracing was now in the final stages of development, and that rapid response measures were being bolstered to handle outbreaks.

The Australian Government’s controversial app will store users’ personal information in a central database hosted by US tech giant Amazon, it was confirmed today.

But Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the database would be hosted on servers within Australia and it would be “illegal” for the multibillion-dollar company to use the information for any other purpose than for what it was originally intended.

The national contract to store the details of Australian app users and coronavirus carriers was awarded to the Seattle-based firm after an invitation-only tender organised by the Department of Home Affairs.

The Digital Transformation Agency, which has taken over the project, also confirmed it would store decryption keys for the information on the same servers as the information itself, even though security experts advise against this practice.

It’s understood the decryption keys will be protected by Amazon software.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Picture: AAP
Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Picture: AAP

The app, which is due to be released within weeks, will be based on Singapore’s TraceTogether app, and will use Bluetooth beacons to track whether users have been within 1.5m of one another for 15 minutes or longer.

If an app user is later diagnosed with COVID-19, state-based health officials will use information gathered by the app to identify and notify their close contacts.

Mr Morrison said the app would be released “soon,” but added “there are still some issues we’re working through”.

He said the Federal Government had worked with Amazon “on many, many sensitive issues” in the past.

But Optus Macquarie University Cyber Security Hub executive director Dali Kaafar said the decision to host this information offshore with a foreign company would not help to allay fears about user privacy.“This will likely raise more concerns or more questions,” he said.

“That will be also an important tool for the country as we seek to manage how we live in a COVID-safe economy and community into the future,” he said.

“And the rapid response to individual outbreaks - we should be aware, as a community right across the country, that when we take further steps to ease restrictions, of course, we will continue to see outbreaks. That is to be expected. What matters is being able to move on them quickly.”

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy. Picture: AAP
Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy. Picture: AAP

The national cabinet, which met this morning, has also agreed to put in place national principles to guide the resumption of sport and recreation, including at a professional level.

“So, the major sporting codes, our Olympic sports, training arrangements that sit around support for those activities, by elite sportspeople,” he said.

“Secondly, at the community competitive sport level. That is such an important part of our way of life here in Australia, and the principles that can help guide decisions by states and territories in the future.

“And, thirdly, at the individual passive level of sport and recreation. Activities from everything from - whether it’s in the shire, if you’re going surfing, or if you’re walking in the local national park, or whatever it might happen to be, those set of principles that states and territories can draw on in terms of getting some consistency across the country as we move into this next phase.”

And national safe workplace principles have also been locked in, with Mr Morrison saying his focus was on getting Australians back to work.

“This is all about getting Australians back to work, and ensuring that when they go back to work that they and their families can feel safe in going back to work, and to ensure that there are important principles in place, there are protocols and procedures that, should a COVID case present in a workplace, then the rules that people need to follow...,” he said.

Schools do not have to keep children 1.5 metres apart, the national cabinet has agreed.

Mr Morrison said the national medical expert panel had confirmed the social distancing measure - along with one person per four square metres - did not apply in classrooms for kids.

Aged care homes face having to seek approval for locking down their facilities, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison declaring he will not cop “having people stuck in their rooms, not being able to be visited by their loved ones and carers and other support people.”

“That’s not okay,” the PM told reporters this afternoon. “We are not going to have these as secret places, where people can’t access them.”

Shutting off homes was only valid if there was a “very real and serious medical reason”, as had been the case in parts of northwest Tasmania and western Sydney, Mr Morrison said.

Mr Morrison said he, along with the state and territory leaders, were “concerned about restrictions beyond the baseline requirements of what National Cabinet has agreed, based on the expert medical advice.”

“Should we not see an improvement in this area, under the voluntary arrangements that we currently have in place,” he said, “the Commonwealth would be moving to require aged care facilities that wish to have an exemption to those national principles, those national arrangements, then they would need to seek authority to do that from the Commonwealth, and we would make such a decision in consultation with the relevant state and territory jurisdiction.

“We would very much like to keep these things on a basis where aged care facilities are exercising their proper discretion,” he said.

One week after the national cabinet agreed to a four-week timeline to consider easing restrictions in the middle of May, Mr Morrison said: “Good progress is being made on the core requirements ... that will enable our road back.”

Testing regimes are being expanded across the states and territories, which he said was a “very important pillar” to deal with the virus in the future.

New modelling, released by the Prime Minister and Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy, shows the effective reproduction rate remains below one - meaning each infected patient is spreading the virus to fewer than one other person on average.

Prof Murphy said the country needed to be “incredibly vigilant” about outbreaks - like the one seen in Victoria today.

The national cabinet will meet again next Friday.


US President Donald Trump has suggested the possibility of using UV light and injecting disinfectant into a coronavirus patient to try and see if it will help them recover.

President Trump made the comment at a White House briefing after Bill Bryan, a Department of Homeland Security official who gave a presentation on research his team had undertaken.

It revealed the virus does not live as long in warmer and more humid temperatures.

Bryan said “the virus dies quickest in sunlight,” and Trump suggested one may be able to bring the light “inside the body.”

President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus.
President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus.

“So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked because of the testing,” he said to Bryan in front of reporters.

“And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way and I think you said you’re going to test that too.”

Trump then went on to say: “I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

Trump’s baffling virus suggestion


Finance Minister Mathias Cormann has ruled out any tax increases in response to the coronavirus-induced economic storm.

The government is considering wide-ranging reform in the October federal budget, which shapes as a crucial juncture in the national recovery.

“Tax increases are off the table because you don’t want to make it harder for businesses to be successful,” Senator Cormann told Sky News on Friday.

It comes as leaders will examine Australia’s very low rate of coronavirus transmissions amid further discussions about the plan for lifting social restrictions.

After the first week of a four-week holding pattern, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says things are looking good.

Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann. Picture: AAP<br/>
Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann. Picture: AAP

“We are on the road back - and that is demonstrated by the measures that we already have taken - and we are on the way back to a COVID-safe economy as well,” he told reporters on Thursday.

National cabinet will consider the latest Australian modelling when it meets today.

While the data pool is still small given Australia’s success in containing the virus, deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth said experts were able to draw sound scientific conclusions from it.

The transmission rate is one of the main pillars governments and their health advisors are looking at as they seek to map out the way forward. The other crucial steps are ensuring hospital capacity and medical supplies, and boosting tracing and testing regimes.

The number of people allowed to be at events is likely to be considered in the first round of easing restrictions.


A northern Chinese city went into lockdown after local officials claim a New York University student brought the coronavirus when she returned home from the US, according to reports.

Harbin, which has a population of 10 million, restricted travel on Wednesday after the 22-year-old graduate student was accused of sparking a local outbreak that ultimately infected at least 70 people.

The student, who was only identified by her last name, Han, returned from New York to her hometown on March 19, according to the Harbin Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Han went through a 14-day quarantine during which she showed no symptoms and tested negative for the virus, the Chinese outlet Southern Urban Daily reported. She was also cleared by an antibody test, which would have shown past infection.

Officers at a checkpoint in Harbin. Picture: AFP
Officers at a checkpoint in Harbin. Picture: AFP

But health officials believe she was a “silent carrier,” spreading the virus to her neighbor by contaminating the building, according to the New York Post. She later was found to have antibodies of the virus in two separate tests.

Meanwhile, her neighbor was believed to have spread the virus to an 87-year-old man, who held a gathering where others became sick, the outlet reported.

The elderly man was hospitalised twice for the virus, possibly infecting others during these stints, the report said.

Health officials claimed the man has been linked to at least 78 cases, which include relatives, patients and their families, and medical professionals, according to the report.

Harbin, which is the capital of Heilongjiang, ordered inbound traffic restricted Wednesday to contain the spread of the highly contagious disease, state media said.

A cluster of COVID-19 coronavirus cases in China's northeastern city of Harbin has forced officials to tighten restrictions on movemen. Picture: AFP
A cluster of COVID-19 coronavirus cases in China's northeastern city of Harbin has forced officials to tighten restrictions on movemen. Picture: AFP

The city banned entry to residential zones by non-locals and vehicles registered elsewhere.

Harbin has already ordered 28 days of quarantine for anyone arriving from outside China or other identified hotspots.

“All confirmed cases, suspected cases, close contacts of asymptomatic people, and close contacts of close contacts should be quarantined and tested,” the city government said, according to state media.

The border city of Suifenhe, in China's northeastern Heilongjiang province, has been hit by a cluster of COVID-19 cases. Picture: AFP
The border city of Suifenhe, in China's northeastern Heilongjiang province, has been hit by a cluster of COVID-19 cases. Picture: AFP


More than one in five New Yorkers may have already had the new coronavirus, a testing sample showed on Thursday (local time), suggesting infections are much higher than confirmed cases suggest.

Widespread testing — including for antibodies — is viewed as key to American states being able to lift stay-at-home orders and reopen their shuttered economies.

The presence of antibodies means a person has already been infected with the virus and might mean they are immune, meaning they could likely return to work without catching the illness again.

A New Yorker runs at a distance from other civilians. Picture: AP
A New Yorker runs at a distance from other civilians. Picture: AP

A total of 3000 customers at supermarkets across the state of New York were randomly tested for coronavirus antibodies this week, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

Almost 14 per cent of them registered positive, he told reporters. In New York City, 21 per cent of tests came back positive.

Those would translate to roughly 2.6 million people statewide and around 1.7 million people in the Big Apple as having already had the new coronavirus.

Those numbers are way above the 263,460 declared cases across New York State, the epicentre of America’s outbreak, where the virus has killed more than 15,500 people.

“It’s vital for any state, I believe, to first get a baseline study of where you are on the infection rate,” Gov. Cuomo said.

NNew York restaurants have been cooking meals to donate to hospitals and essential workers. Picture: Getty Images/AFP
NNew York restaurants have been cooking meals to donate to hospitals and essential workers. Picture: Getty Images/AFP

There are uncertainties about the accuracy of antibody tests and the sample was small. But Gov. Cuomo noted that, if the data played out across the state it would mean that the death rate for COVID-19 there was only 0.5 per cent.

That is much lower than the US average and the worst-affected countries in Europe, which are based on confirmed cases.

According to Johns Hopkins University, Belgium has a known-case mortality rate of 14.9 per cent, France 13.6 per cent and the United States 5.5 per cent.

A medical worker in New York. Picture: AP
A medical worker in New York. Picture: AP


Meanwhile, the number of people in the US filing for unemployment benefits jumped another 4.4 million last week, taking the total to nearly 27 million.

One state, Michigan, reported an unemployment rate of 22 per cent.

The relentless increase in the jobless has intensified the debate over when to lift restrictions that have helped halt the virus’s rapid spread but placed the economy in a stranglehold.

Some states are pushing forward with plans to reopen their economies, despite not yet meeting federal guidelines about infection rates.

State agencies have scrambled to handle the overwhelming flood of filings as well as a set of federal eligibility rules instituted to deal with the crisis.

With government phones and websites clogged and drop-in centres closed, legal aid lawyers are fielding complaints from people who say they don’t know where else to turn.

About one in six American workers have lost their jobs in the past five weeks, by far the worst string of lay-offs on record. That’s more than the number of people who live in Australia.

The closure of business has cost 27 million jobs in the US. Picture: AP
The closure of business has cost 27 million jobs in the US. Picture: AP

Economists have forecast that the unemployment rate for April could go as high as 20 per cent.

Some economists say the nation’s output could shrink by twice the amount that it did during the Great Recession, which ended in 2009.

It comes as debate within the US about states “reopening” their economies is becoming the biggest talking point of the coronavirus pandemic in America.

With unemployment reaching record levels, a number of states plan to start reopening businesses – well ahead of federal guidelines.

Georgia, for instance, is reopening many businesses today, while the government’s leading health agency says the state should not do so until June at the earliest.


Meanwhile, Britain’s economy has been ravaged by the deadly novel coronavirus, which now threatens potentially the worst recession in several centuries, the Bank of England warned on Thursday.

Policymaker Gertjan Vlieghe, who sits on the central bank’s interest rate setting committee, issued the gloomy warning as survey data showed UK business activity shrivelled up this month on the back of COVID-19 lockdowns at home and abroad.

Nurses from The Royal London clap outside the hospital. Picture: Getty Images
Nurses from The Royal London clap outside the hospital. Picture: Getty Images

“Based on the early indicators, and based on the experience in other countries that were hit (by the virus) somewhat earlier than the UK, it seems that we are experiencing an economic contraction that is faster and deeper than anything we have seen in the past century, or possibly several centuries,” said economist Vlieghe.

Britain’s nationwide lockdown was imposed on March 23 in a bid to halt the spread of the pandemic, mirroring severe restrictions to daily life introduced elsewhere.

It comees as coronavirus cases in the UK have risen to 138,078 as another 4583 caught the deadly disease.

The latest figures from Public Health England also show that the death toll has risen to 18,738 after 638 more deaths were recorded on Thursday (local time).

A London family show their support for medical workers. Picture: Getty Images
A London family show their support for medical workers. Picture: Getty Images


A cruise ship linked to hundreds of coronavirus infections and at least 19 deaths in Australia departed on Thursday, leaving behind a criminal investigation and public outrage over the handling of the stricken vessel.

The coronavirus-riddled Ruby Princess cruise ship has been guided out of Port Kembla by tug boats, performing a water salute as it leaves Australian waters five weeks after it arrived in Sydney.

The ship has been responsible for 21 deaths and at least 600 cases of COVID-19 across Australia.

The Ruby Princess has left Australia. Picture: AAP
The Ruby Princess has left Australia. Picture: AAP

Crew members waved from the Ruby Princess as it left Port Kembla, about 80km south of Sydney and where it was docked for more than two weeks, with a large banner hanging from the stern thanking locals.

It is reportedly bound for Manila in the Philippines.

Police are investigating operator Carnival Australia over the circumstances that led to nearly 2,700 passengers — some showing flu-like symptoms — disembarking in mid-March and going home.

Hundreds were later diagnosed with COVID-19 and at least 19 have died from the disease —


China says it will offer a further $A50 million to help fund the World Health Organisation.

The announcement comes after US President Donald Trump halted funding amid concerns the UN agency is too “China-centric”.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the extra funds were to help WHO contain the virus and support developing countries in improving their public health systems.

“At this critical moment, support for WHO helps to strengthen multilateralism and the UN,” Shuang said.

“Led by Director-General Tedros, the WHO has been playing an important role in co-ordinating the international fight against COVID-19 in an objective, fair and professional manner.”

World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Picture: AFP
World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Picture: AFP

The new Chinese donation was announced on Twitter by Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “At this crucial moment, supporting WHO is supporting Multilateralism and Global Solidarity,” she wrote.

That funding follows another donation of $A30 million in March, Ms. Hua said. U.S. donations to the organisation have historically outstripped China’s: Of the $A9 billion that the agency received in 2018 and 2019, the United States contributed about $A1.4 billion and China gave $A135 million.


Australia’s COVID-19 positive cases are on the decline, with fewer than 1700 active and more than 5000 recovered.

With just 12 cases reported on Thursday, the average daily increase in infections has dropped to 0.2 per cent.

While Australia is on track to slowing – and eventually eradicating – the spread of the coronavirus, state borders will not open for at least three to four months.

This means Australians will be state-bound and unable to visit friends and family interstate.

Some elective surgeries have resumed on Thursday, however, which includes IVF, dental and eye procedures as well as joint replacements, endoscopy and colonoscopies.

It comes as the federal government is expected to relax the 40-hour per fortnight work limit for international students enrolled in medical courses in an attempt to boost the number of health and disability workers.

It also comes as the Ruby Princess cruise ship leaves Australia and Prime Minister Scott Morrison warns coronavirus complacency could lead Australia to being exposed to soaring death rates sweeping Europe and the US at the moment.

Originally published as Coronavirus: Scott Morrison gives update, Donald Trump suggests new ways of fighting virus

Read related topics:Donald Trump

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