
April 7 coronavirus updates: COVID-19 claims first life in South Australia, four new cases

Just four new coronavirus cases were revealed on Tuesday in South Australia – so when will restrictions be lifted? Meanwhile, the Premier says he’s written to the family of a 75-year-old who has become SA’s first coronavirus death, calling it a “very sad day for the state”.

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The Premier says the first death in South Australia from coronavirus death is a “very sad day” for the people of the state, as four more cases are revealed, bringing the total to 415.

The devastated family of Frank Ferraro, 75, released a statement this afternoon, imploring people to follow social distancing guidelines after the grandfather died in the Royal Adelaide Hospital on Monday night after fighting for life in its intensive care unit.

This story is no longer updating – click here for latest SA updates

The Advertiser has been told the man had recently attended a wedding in Melbourne, in which some attendees had travelled from Italy.

Meanwhile, SA Health deputy chief public health officer Michael Cusack says many factors will play a part in determining when restrictions will be relaxed – it won’t just be dependent on how many new infections develop in the state.

“I think it’s not a single number,” he told ABC Radio Adelaidethis morning.

“Obviously... the cases from South Australia have been, for the most part, imported in from other states or overseas so I think in terms of how we manage a very flat curve, I think we will also be influenced by the sort of activity of the disease in the eastern states in particular.”

In the meantime, Dr Cusack urged people against becoming complacent.

“We do perhaps at this point see there has been some flattening of the curve but I really think it’s important that we don’t kind of start being confident too soon, or be complacent about this because, as we saw only yesterday, this virus has very serious consequences and behind all of these numbers there are individual people, lives, families, friends and so forth.”

In other major developments on Tuesday:

■ British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in intensive care but is in a stable condition.

■ Australia’s rate of new coronavirus cases is falling faster than expected but the PM warns that could be undone over the Easter long weekend.

■ SA’s chronic toilet paper shortage in supermarkets has been blamed on greed not need.

■ Casual workers are set to be included in the $130bn JobKeeper package.


Four new virus cases in SA

Four more COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in SA on Tuesday, bringing the total to 415.

One is linked to the Ruby Princess cruise ship, another to the Adelaide Airport cluster and another is suspected to be a community transmission.

Eight patients aged between 52 and 77 are in intensive care. Six are critical and two are stable. So far, 89 have people have recovered in SA.

Tuesday’s new cases range in age from people in their 20s to their 70s.

Of SA’s clusters, 29 people are linked to Adelaide Airport and 86 to the Ruby Princess.

More than 33,000 tests have been conducted in SA.

Adelaide man, 75, dies in RAH

A sombre Premier Steven Marshall says he has written to the family of Frank Ferraro, who is SA’s first COVID-19 fatality, expressing the state’s “sincere condolences”.

SA Health confirmed on Tuesday morning the man, 75, passed away last night from COVID-19 in the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

“The man acquired COVID-19 interstate. His passing is the first death in South Australia from COVID-19. Our condolences are with the family and friends of the man,” SA Health said.

Dr Nicola Spurrier and Premier Steven Marshall at a press conference in Adelaide this morning. Picture: AAP / David Mariuz
Dr Nicola Spurrier and Premier Steven Marshall at a press conference in Adelaide this morning. Picture: AAP / David Mariuz

“Today is a very sad day for people of our state as we record the first death which is directly related to the coronavirus,” Mr Marshall said.

“My heart goes out to the family and friends of the man who suffered from this disease.”

Chief Public Health Officer, associate professor Dr Nicola Spurrier fought back tears as she paid tribute to the man, who had some underlying health issues.

She said there had been interstate travel.

“I would also like to express our sincere condolences to this man’s family,” she said.

“He is part of a large family so a very much beloved father, husband … and grandfather as well.”

She also paid tribute to RAH ICU staff who fought to save the man’s life and “did the best they could do”.

There are also grave fears for a Riverland grandfather who is fighting for life in intensive care. His family have been told to expect the worst.

Rise in calls to Poisons Info Centre

Parents are being warned to lock away medicines and chemicals when caring for children at home as the Poisons Information Centre reported they are receiving higher-than-normal call volumes in recent weeks.

Holly Fitzgerald, CEO for Kidsafe SA, the group dedicated to preventing unintentional deaths in children, said it’s important parents and carers are aware of potential poisons around the home.

“With children spending more time in the home, perhaps getting a bit bored, doing some more exploration, that’s when they may have access to potentially poisonous products,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

The most common products to be wary of are common medications, cleaning chemicals and button batteries, she said.

“Symptoms can vary but they can have catastrophic impacts if assistance hasn’t been provided soon enough.”

Parents should call the Poisons Information Centre hotline on 13 11 26 if they suspect their child has consumed a potentially poisonous product.

Fire risk as kids stay home

The Metropolitan Fire Service is warning of the increased risk of house fires as more people stay at home as a result of coronavirus restrictions.

MFS community engagement officer Phil Evans said people working from home, as well as children attempting to entertain themselves without supervision, could pose a fire danger.

“If there are matches or lighters or candles in the home, there’s the potential for children to take those items into their bedrooms and play with them,” Mr Evans said.

“If the kids are in their bedrooms with the doors shut, a situation could develop and it might be some time before you realise there’s anything wrong.”

Mr Evans also warned people working from home not to overload powerboards and plugs with electrical devises.

He urged people to check their smoke alarms and make sure they were less than 10 years old.

Top cop salutes South Aussies

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said the first death in SA from COVID-19 is a reminder of the devastating effects of coronavirus, and expects to see more fatalities – but paid tribute to South Australians for their behaviour in recent weeks.

“We are just reminding people to follow the restrictions that are in place, because they are there to support those vulnerable people in our community.

“Unfortunately, I think (death) is the sad reality of this virus. We will see more people lose their lives in South Australia.”

Mr Stevens said police have seen “fantastic” compliance among South Australians, with only nine fines issued for breaches of coronavirus restrictions.

SA Police has issued 13 formal cautions out of nearly 2900 compliance checks. About 15,000 businesses have been checked by officers.

Individuals flouting the rules face on-the-spot fines of $1000 while businesses face expiations notices of up to $5000.

He urged the community to avoid “unnecessary travel” and avoid popular holiday destinations this Easter long weekend, where extra officers will be posted.

“Some of these holiday destinations have communities which are in the older age bracket, and those older people are concerned about this,” he said.

“If we are advised of large gatherings that exceed the 10-person rule, then we will be investigating and we will be having extra patrols in these holiday areas paying attention to people’s compliance.”

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Only two new cases on Monday

The news comes as concerted community efforts to contain coronavirus are paying dividends with just two new cases recorded in South Australia on Monday, for a total of 411, as drastic measures continue to “flatten the curve”.

One patient is aged in their 20s, the other is in their 60s. Nineteen people are in hospital and there are nine in the Royal Adelaide Hospital intensive care unit, six of them critical, three stable. Seven are men and two are women, aged from 44 to 77.

No extra cases have been recorded from the Ruby Princess cruise ship or airport baggage handlers clusters. Cruise ships account for 120 cases and the airport cluster stands at 28, with more expected.

SA Pathology has completed 33,000 tests and officials said demand was quiet over the weekend with just 28 tests at the RAH clinic on Sunday.

Chief Public Health Officer Associate Professor Nicola Spurrier said: “I’d like to extend a big thank you to all South Australians. It is fantastic to have low numbers over the last couple of days and I hope it will continue.”

She stressed it was vital to continue to maintain good hygiene and social distancing.

It has now been 14 days since the last of 41 planes landed at Adelaide with passengers who had the disease before mandatory self-isolation of arrivals came into force.

SA Health officials had gone to great lengths to track fellow passengers sitting near the confirmed cases on each flight but it appears few, if any, were infected in-flight.

While she did not have a figure, Dr Spurrier said flights appeared to be far different to cruise ships, where the disease appeared to spread easily.

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