
Why you need to quit your dead-end job

UGH, it’s Monday, you’re lying in bed wondering where the heck the Saturday went. It doesn’t help that hate your job. Here’s what you need to do about it.

 Rear view of a stock trade worker with his hand on his head watching the stock market on multiple computer screens in office...
Rear view of a stock trade worker with his hand on his head watching the stock market on multiple computer screens in office...

UGH, it’s Monday, you’re lying in bed wondering where the heck the Saturday went and dreading the thought of dragging yourself into the office.

It doesn’t help that you can’t stand your boss, you’ve been done over for a promotion and you have to go to work because you’ve got bills to pay.

You’re probably one of thousands of Australians stuck in a dead end job you’re desperate to get out of but can’t.

But according to Melbourne-based HR expert Karen Gately, the only thing stopping you from quitting and looking for other opportunities is you.

Ms Gately said it was normal for people to get a bit of Mondayitis every now and again but when it happened all the time something was seriously wrong.

“Only you can take the steps that will ensure you love your job and don’t mind turning up”, she said.

“So you need to determine if you’re striving to get ahead or simply accepting an ordinary standard of work experience.”

But Ms Gately said when it came time to call it quits, people made all the excuses in the world to stay instead of taking a risk and doing what made them happy.

She said people had to choose to want a quality of life if it was work which was making them so miserable.

“The first step is people have to choose to do it (quit) and confront their fears,” she said.

“A lot of people fear not getting a new job or are worried about financial security.

If work leaves you feeling like this, you’re either really tired or in need of a new job.
If work leaves you feeling like this, you’re either really tired or in need of a new job.

“But at the end of the day you have to be happy and if you want a challenge you are the one who has to do it.”

She added many unhappy workers were not only afraid of taking a risk but also a potential step down in career or pay but that they had to weigh up the long-term happiness gains.

According to her, there are five key signs that indicate it’s time to give up the grind and take a risk, including:

1. You struggle to get out of bed every day

“If your first thought when you wake up each day is oh no I have to go to work chances are you need to leave,” she said.

MS Gately added it was normal to have unhappy days, “but when the mental battle to get going becomes part of your daily routine it’s a clear sign things need to change”.

2. Opportunity is lacking

According to Ms Gately, we are all likely to experiences times when we are eager to take the next step in our work life but are held back by circumstances.

But she added it was time to move on when there is little to no hope of your dreams being realised working where you are.

“Be patient but also recognise when there is no point waiting for opportunities that are unlikely to arise,” she said.

If you’re unhappy at work, the only person who can help that is you.
If you’re unhappy at work, the only person who can help that is you.

3. Promises are constantly broken

Your boss might seem genuine, but Ms Gately said even the best of leaders were capable of making promises and then failing to follow through.

“However when it becomes typical that promises are made and broken you know its time to find an employer you can trust to do what they say they will,” she said.

4. Your boss is self absorbed

Ms Gately said people needed to choose to work for people who respect you and your career aspirations.

She said it was time to move on when you realise your employer is too self absorbed to understand and invest in you.

“Be realistic about what you expect but also recognise when you are working for someone incapable of thinking beyond their own needs and wants,” she said.

5. Your potential isn’t being realised

If all you are capable of doing isn’t recognised and your boss fails to give you the opportunity to learn or contribute it’s probably time to move on, she said.

Her advice is if you truly believe you have what it takes and yet are constantly passed over for opportunities, it’s time to look for an employer who can see your potential.

Originally published as Why you need to quit your dead-end job

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