
Donald Trump’s savage response to Michelle Obama

Donald Trump has launched an tirade of tweets aimed at Michelle Obama and her husband after she posted a 26-minute video attacking him.

Michelle Obama takes on Trump in scathing speech

Donald Trump has taken a swipe at former first lady Michelle Obama after she labelled him a racist and a liar in an explosive plea to voters.

With the US Presidential election just weeks away, Mrs Obama appeared in a 26-minute video for Joe Biden’s campaign, which has been described as her “closing argument” to the American people before they head to the ballot box.

She attacked Mr Trump’s coronavirus response and said he was unfairly “stoking fears” about African-Americans.

She added that Mr Trump is “morally wrong” for taking actions that intimidate voters and for “lying” about how minorities will ruin US suburbs.

Overnight, the President hit back with a stream of anti-Obama tweets and re-tweets on his Twitter page.

One of the more personal attacks was a re-tweet from a prominent Trump supporter, which made the case that the former first lady was a hypocrite for attacking the President.

“Don’t you love it when someone lectures you on ethics & morals, while at the same time being married to one of the most corrupt Presidents in history?” the tweet, recirculated by Mr Trump, read.

Mr Trump then went on a more general attack of the Obama administration.

He continued with accusations that his predecessor was involved in a wide-reaching conspiracy to derail his early presidency, which has been referred to over the years as Obamagate.

“When the truth about #Obamagate is revealed, every scandal in American history will look mild in comparison,” one re-tweet read.

“OBAMA KNEW EVERYTHING #Obamagate” read another.

He finished the evening by posting a video from one of his supporters claiming that the highest ranking members of the FBI, NSA and CIA were not only spying on President Trump, they trying to subvert his election win.



In her 26-minute attack video, the former first lady spent a large part of it condemning the President’s response to coronavirus.

“If you’re a parent like me, you’re feeling the consequences of this President’s failure to take this pandemic seriously. From his constant downplaying of the importance of masks and social distancing, to his relentless pressure on schools to open without offering a clear plan or meaningful support to keep students and teachers safe,” Mrs Obama said.

She cast doubt on the President’s claim that the virus only affects elderly people with pre-existing conditions, arguing even young people who survive the disease could suffer long-term effects.

“I pray every day that no one faces longer term consequences to this disease, but the truth is we just don’t know yet, and we simply cannot trust this President to tell us the truth about everything,” she said.

“It’s painful to think that months into this crisis, this is still where we are. With no clear plan, no peace of mind. And the worst part is, it didn’t have to be like this.

“Look around the world. So many other countries aren’t experiencing this level of extended suffering and uncertainty. These countries were hit by the same virus we were. They have the same kind of resources to contain it.

Mrs Obama appeared in a 26-minute video for the Biden campaign.
Mrs Obama appeared in a 26-minute video for the Biden campaign.

“What they didn’t have to contend with was this President. A man who had every resource at his disposal – the finest medical experts, our best intelligence – and yet ignored all the advice and failed to produce a plan to provide enough tests for worried families or protective equipment for our healthcare workers.

“A man who knew how deadly this virus is, but who lied to us and told us it would just disappear.

“Who in the greatest crisis of our lifetimes, doubled down on division, railed against measures that could have mitigated the damage, and continues to hold massive events without requiring masks or social distancing, knowingly exposing his own supporters to a dangerous virus.

“Today, more Americans have died from this virus than died in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea combined. Take all those lives bravely sacrificed, and double it. That is roughly the scale of this tragedy, and our commander-in-chief, sadly, has been missing in action.”

The coronavirus death toll in the United States stands at more than 216,000. The combined American death toll from Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea is 101,438.

“Seven months later, he still doesn’t have a plan for this virus. Seven months later, he still won’t wear a mask consistently and encourage others to do the same, even when those simple actions could save countless lives,” Mrs Obama continued.

“Instead, he continues to gaslight the American people by acting like this pandemic is not a real threat.”

She also attacked the President on the issue of race.

“The President and his allies are trying to tap into that frustration and distract from his breathtaking failures by giving folks someone to blame other than them,” she said.

“They’re stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation — and they’re pinning it all on what’s been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity.”

“So what the President is doing is, once again, patently false. It’s morally wrong and yes, it is racist. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work.”

She called this American era a “difficult” and “confusing” time and warned that the President is good at using divisiveness, fear and “spreading lies” as tools to win as she made a plea for empathy as a black woman.

“I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors,” she said, “the millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toiled as slaves and soldiers and labourers to help build this country.”

“Racism, fear, division, these are powerful weapons. And they can destroy this nation if we don’t deal with them head on.”

Originally published as Donald Trump’s savage response to Michelle Obama

Read related topics:Donald TrumpJoe Biden

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