

How handsome men win at work

How handsome men win at work

IT’S a cruel world in business. New research shows good looks are more likely to help men get ahead, but it’s not the same for women.

Breaking the job stereotypes

Breaking the job stereotypes

WE’RE sick of the stereotypes around certain jobs, that tradies are unreliable and models are vain. So we’ve found a model, librarian and tradie that bust the stereotype.

Should there be quotas for women?

Should there be quotas for women?

THEY’RE hugely controversial, but does giving people jobs based on their gender help to make the business world more balanced? What’s the smart way to implement quotas?

Interns who earn more than you

Interns who earn more than you

REMEMBER toiling away for free at your internship? All that valuable ‘experience’ you can slap on your resume. Well, these interns earn way more than you do now.

BigDatr forced to pull intern ads

BigDatr forced to pull intern ads

A MELBOURNE company has been forced to pull ads for 12-month internships after Seek deemed being paid in ‘emojis’ was a breach of the Fair Work Act.

How to get a job as a spy

How to get a job as a spy

TAKING down evil villains and donning disguises around the world. How do you sign up for the espionage business?

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