Coles slammed over mass product cull
Nationals leader David Littleproud has hit out at Coles after the supermarket giant flagged a cull in its product range, claiming prices at the checkout would rise.
Nationals leader David Littleproud has hit out at Coles after the supermarket giant flagged a cull in its product range, claiming prices at the checkout would rise.
A leaked email from a NSW hospital has left doctors across the country horrified, with one practictioner claiming it “glorifies burnout”.
Train unions are threatening a return of disruptive industrial action next week, after the NSW government refused a demand to refund commuters for previous chaos.
A young worker has revealed the increasingly common act that ended in her boss screaming at her.
A contractor has revealed the “intrusive” question he was asked when working on a major Sydney project, with Ben Fordham firing up over the “woke” move.
A federal MP has made a huge call for school-leavers to pursue a different career path than law or finance, amid new figures revealing undergraduate teaching offers are soaring.
Australians are choosing the worst time of the year to try and find their next job, according to new research.
Employees are no longer just asking for pay rises during their annual reviews, with some employers set to “push back” on this new trend.
The Australian workers most concerned about artificial intelligence have been revealed in a new global survey.
A text message exchange between a boss and an employee has gone viral and people online are calling it “so bad”.
Crust Pizza is offering $1000 bonuses to 10 hardworking Aussies on National Pizza Day as the nation debates whether the office pizza party is a token gesture from your boss.
Alarm bells have been raised over fears Australia will face a mass skill shortage across key industries, unless slipping education standards are halted.
A woman has revealed the moment her “stomach dropped” and why she had to leave work early.
A man has revealed his salary and kicked off a fiery debate over wages and what’s considered a good salary in 2025.
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