
Convert Facebook ‘likes’ and social media fans into real money

GETTING Facebook fans and social media followers is the first hurdle — but what happens once you have them?

Mark Zuckerberg is making plenty of money off Facebook users. Why shouldn’t you?
Mark Zuckerberg is making plenty of money off Facebook users. Why shouldn’t you?

GETTING Facebook fans and social media followers is the first hurdle for small businesses — but what happens once you have them? Converting virtual fans into real life dollars is the ultimate goal for entrepreneurs the world over — and it’s not as hard as it sounds, according to the experts.


Sam Mutimer, director of social media at Think Tank Social, says turning fans into tangible marketing targets is one of the biggest challenges brands are facing in Australia.

“However it’s not as difficult as many believe,” she says.

“Core is the ability to capture contact details with a good enough reason for your community to provide them.

“This is a combination of data-collecting infrastructure, having reason for the customer to provide their data and visibility for the campaign.

“We recommend building an app that can sit across your social channels — especially Facebook — and acts as a data collection tool.

“And you need to ensure content adds value, or fulfils a need on some level.”

Turn your ‘likes’ into cold hard cash.
Turn your ‘likes’ into cold hard cash.


Once you have a healthy following and your fans and followers engaged, and commenting, liking, and sharing, then Mutimer says it’s time to ask them to do something.

“Make it easy for them to subscribe to your newsletter, purchase or contact you via your social sites,” she says.

“Facebook and Instagram exclusive competitions are a good way to get that community sharing and talking about your content in order to win prizes, discounts, coupons or services that your brand has to offer.

“Sharing is another strong way to get your brand out there, so it’s important that your content supports what you and your brand stand for.

“Ultimately you want people talking and posting about your brand and then heading over to your website or driving them in store to purchase.

“Make it easy for them to do this.”


Mortimer says you always need to think about the person who is going to be receiving the content — what’s in it for them?

“Respect the social media space — as it’s their personal space — and add value,” she says.

“This means your content needs to be crafted so it resonates with your audience.

“Keep it short and simple — for Facebook 250 characters or less — visual and grabs their attention in a busy news feed, with a clear call to action.”

She says it’s important to give information that will help your community on some level.

“My biggest tip would be to always add value,” she says.

“People don’t go to Facebook or Instagram just to read updates from companies trying to sell them things, they go there mostly to engage with their friends and family — so as a company in that ecosystem, you need to fit into that.”

Dialogue Consulting director Hugh Stephens says social media is about building a community — not a list of subscribers to sell things to.
Dialogue Consulting director Hugh Stephens says social media is about building a community — not a list of subscribers to sell things to.


Director of Dialogue Consulting, Hugh Stephens, says a good rule to follow is to post no more than three times a day on Facebook.

“Or maybe even four on Instagram, if you have interesting enough content,” he says.

“It’s better to have fewer interesting updates than spam people with content, because nobody wants to see that.

“The rule of thumb there is to spend a third of the time talking about you, a third talking about relevant information like news or updates, and a third of the time talking about random stuff.

“Display your brand’s personality with a ‘Happy long weekend everyone! What is planned?’ rather than just posting up your opening or closing hours.”


Stephens says a lot goes into deciding your social media voice — and businesses need to have some kind of strategy behind it.

“That doesn’t need to be a 20 page document, but you need to have a direction you want to go in,” he says.

Stephens: “Kick start conversations around your products and services — what’s happening in the industry?”
Stephens: “Kick start conversations around your products and services — what’s happening in the industry?”

“Identify the ‘voice’ of the brand — like what does my company sound like online? Are we playful, serious, tongue-in-cheek, arrogant?

“Work out your key messages, and what value you are giving them, and be consistent.”

He says another good way to engage them is to ask your customers want they want.

“Ask if they would want to hear from you on Facebook or Instagram, and what would they want to hear?”


Stephens says social media is about building a community — not a list of subscribers to sell things to.

“Kick start conversations around your products and services — what’s happening in the industry? What’s changed? Give them insights into ‘behind the scenes’ — what’s the story of some of your employees, particularly those people wouldn’t usually see?” he says.

“Mix up the content — don’t just post link after link after link, or similarly images of coffees every day.”

He says it’s also important to remember that social media won’t solve your business woes.

“Work on providing a fantastic product or service, then worry about how you’re going to communicate it through social media,” he says.

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