
Whyalla steelmaker Arrium in voluntary administration with Grant Thornton

AS Whyalla reels from the news its largest employer Arrium has been placed into voluntary administration, politicians are floating a variety of ideas to save the steelworks — including taxpayer contributions to a rescue package. | What is voluntary administration?

TREASURER Tom Koutsantonis says taxpayer backing for major upgrades to Whyalla steelworks business Arrium will be considered as part of a rescue package for the company, which went into voluntary administration this morning.

Mr Koutsantonis fronted the media after the company was put into voluntary administration, and urged a national response to maintain Australia’s only structural steel maker.

Grant Thornton has been appointed as administrator.

“As previously announced, Arrium has been in discussions with its lenders,” said an official statement released through the Australian Stock Exchange.

“These discussions have now ceased. After considering the available alternatives, in the current circumstances it has become clear to the board of Arrium that it has, unfortunately, been left with no option than to place the relevant companies into voluntary administration in order to protect the interests of stakeholders.”

Premier Jay Weatherill also released a statement from China, where he is currently on a trade mission with Regional Development Minister Geoff Brock and other officials.

“This is the beginning of a long and difficult path forward for the Whyalla community,” Mr Weatherill said.

“They have already had to endure very substantial job losses in both the mining and steelworks.”

He said he had spoken to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and both levels of government would “work closely together to secure Whyalla’s future” in coming days and weeks.

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten vowed a Labor government would force government agencies to buy Australian steel and aggressively enforce anti-dumping rules to stop the influx of cheap overseas steel.

“Governments at all levels — council, state and federal government — spend a lot on infrastructure. What is wrong with requiring Australian content in the steel?” Mr Shorten said.

“I’ve represented steel workers for the best part of 20 years. I understand that a nation that doesn’t make its own steel losses a lot of its economic firepower.”

Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis speaks to the media in Whyalla. Picture: Tom Huntley
Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis speaks to the media in Whyalla. Picture: Tom Huntley

Mr Koutsantonis said other SA companies including Balfours and Harris Scarfe had survived administration.

He said “the Australian banks have gotten what they wanted” by forcing Arrium into receivership, but it was not too late to save the steelworks and related jobs.

“There will be no new redundancies at Whyalla,” he said.

“All (direct Arrium) employees across the country will be required to report to work as usual and will be paid as per their usual schedule. Contract labour ... are being contacted as we speak. They will be required as needed.”

Mr Koutsantonis he did not want to see a change of administrator in coming days.

“There now needs to be a national approach to this. This is one of the largest administrations in recent memory in Australia,” he said.

“My message to Whyalla is that the government, commonwealth and state, will be working tirelessly together to come up with a package that will see Whyalla last into the future.”

Mr Koutsantonis said a one-off move to upgrade infrastructure could make the plant viable.

“There are ways through this. Panic is not an option,” he said.

“Taxes are not the issue here. I think there are efficiencies that we can invest in that can improve their output, diversify their product range, there are a whole series of things.

“There are dramatic productivity and innovations that the commonwealth and the state government are looking at investing in which will add to the profitability of the Whyalla operations.

“Capital improvements are much better than ongoing subsidies because subsidies only work for as long as the subsidies are there. You’ve got to improve the productivity of this plant.”

The future of Whyalla is uncertain, with Arrium placed into voluntary administration. Picture: Campbell Brodie.
The future of Whyalla is uncertain, with Arrium placed into voluntary administration. Picture: Campbell Brodie.

Today’s development comes after trading of Arrium shares was suspended for up to a week while it devises a workable recapitalisation plan over its $2.8 billion debt.

This superseded a trading halt that was in place following the collapse on Monday of a $US927 million deal with US vulture fund GSO Capital.

In a statement, Grant Thornton said it would assume executive control of Arrium “immediately” and undertake an urgent review of its core Australian steel and mining businesses.

“Voluntary administration provides Arrium and its stakeholders time to develop options that will help preserve long-term value and optimise the position of its creditors,” it said.

“Our focus will be to stabilise current trading, maintain business as usual across the group’s affected operations, identify ways to restore performance of key business units and develop an optimal solution that maximises the return to creditors.”

‘Let’s be optimistic’: Unions and politicians weigh in

The Australian Workers’ Union said it would be engaging closely with the Arrium management and the state and federal governments to ensure the interests of workers were a primary consideration.

AWU National Secretary Scott McDine said the initial focus would be on keeping existing operations, including the Whyalla steelworks, open.

“Arrium’s operations, including the Whyalla steelworks, absolutely can and should stay open,” Mr McDine said.

“There are a range of paths available to keeping these major employers online and the AWU will be exploring them with the new relevant stakeholders.

“Yet no matter what transpires under any new administrators the principle that underpins it all must be that the interests of workers should be a primary consideration.”

Federal Industry Minister Christopher Pyne said he was talking to Mr Koutsantonis about what both levels of government could do for Whyalla.

“Out of the ashes of Arrium, like a phoenix, a better business may rise,” he told ABC 891.

“I want to assure the workers of Whyalla today that certainly it’s business as usual.”

Mr Pyne said that Nyrstar in Port Pirie suffered similar problems but had turned its business around, so “let’s not be pessimistic, let’s be optimistic about what we can achieve”.

In a statement, Mr Pyne said the Federal Government “stands ready to assist the workers of Whyalla”.

“The Government, through (employment service) jobactive, already has a range of support services available for workers who have recently lost their jobs from Arrium. Any additional assistance would build on these existing employment services.”

State Labor MP Eddie Hughes said the announcement was “more challenging news” for a community under “intense duress”.

“We’ve already lost 1000 jobs up here and while the community is resilient there is a limit to how much it can take,” the member for Whyalla Norrie said.

“But there’s still time to turn this around and no one is prepared to consider a bleak future for this town yet.”

Mr Hughes called on a joint rescue plan by the state and federal governments through a co-investment package.

“It needs a supreme effort of governments to intervene with a long term plan for a solution,” he added. “The social and economic costs of not saving Whyalla will be devastating.”

Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) official Scott Martin said the union had been in intense meetings with Arrium and its administrations all morning and had been assured workers entitlements were secure.

“It’s not quite lights out just yet but it’s never a positive step when a company goes into administration, even if it’s voluntary,” Mr Martin said.

“(The administrators) are going to be looking after the workers which is our main priority.

“There is no shutdown plan as yet so there is still some wriggle room to make this work.”

Whyalla deputy mayor Tom Antonio said if the plant closed, it would be an “economic and social catastrophe” for the region.

“If the plant closes the cost to the country will be millions of dollars more that it would cost to help save it,” Mr Antonio said.

“We’re talking 6000 roll-on jobs gone and the mental health of the entire community being put at risk.

“We already have major issues with people suffering enormous stress and anxiety. Our total property portfolio has dropped in value from $2.7 billion to $1.5 billion in less than six month and that’s adding to the stress.”

Whyalla residents gather at the steps of the council building after marching from Wilson Park to show their support for the steel industry in their town. Picture: Tom Huntley
Whyalla residents gather at the steps of the council building after marching from Wilson Park to show their support for the steel industry in their town. Picture: Tom Huntley

Opposition Leader Steven Marshall said the voluntary administration was concerning but unsurprising.

“The debt and operating problems facing Arrium have not crept up on the company,” he said.

“The workers at Arrium are not at fault here. The state and federal governments must do everything they can to work with the appointed administrators to ensure there is a future for Arrium.”

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon said he was angry because Arrium’s administration was avoidable.

“It’s a direct consequence of blinkered policies of successive governments,” he said.

“Governments have failed to take strong action against steel being dumped from other countries.

“It’s essentially the failure of the Federal Government to insist on Australian-made steel being used on taxpayer-funded infrastructure projects.”

Senator Xenophon urged a local procurement policy, saying this would turn things around for Arrium overnight and give Arrium’s administrators enormous confidence.

Liberal Senator Sean Edwards, chair of a senate committee inquiry into the steel industry, said Arrium’s management must explain how its debt had been handled.

“It appears to me that Arrium’s fundamental business of mining ore and making steel remains sound albeit under pricing pressure, however, it is a company ultimately unable to manage its accrued debt,’’ he said.

Among similar claims of financial mismanagement, chief financial officer Robert Bakewell departed on Wednesday to “pursue other interests”.

It is widely expected that a number of other senior executives and company directors will follow.

A community rally in Whyalla yesterday, organised by the unions, showcased some of the bubbling anger surrounding the fate of the region’s largest employer.

OneSteel electrician Mat Eversen with wife Dana and son Xavier, 3. Pic: Tom Huntley
OneSteel electrician Mat Eversen with wife Dana and son Xavier, 3. Pic: Tom Huntley

Family that’s deep in a hole

WHYALLA will become Australia’s “largest ghost town’’ if the town’s steelworks close down, according to acting mayor Tom Antonio.

“If the (steel) plant is closed, you’ve got to understand we could have the biggest ghost town in Australia,’’ he said.

It’s a fear echoed by OneSteel electrician Mat Eversen and his boilermaker father, Casey, who spent 40 years at the steelworks before being made redundant earlier this year, who believe the city will die without its main employer.

“We’ve had a few things thrown at us before, but nothing like this,” Mat says of the ever-darkening cloud of uncertainty hanging over the head of OneSteel owner, Arrium.

“It just keeps getting worse and worse.”

Mat and wife Dana want to remain in their home town, but there’s a possibility he will have to seek work elsewhere.

Dana will remain living in town with their three-year-old son, Xavier.

“We’ll have to keep the house and pay the mortgage, because who’s going to buy a house where there’s no work,” Mat says.

“It’s hard not to, but I really don’t want to think about what will happen if the steelworks go under.’’

For Casey, it comes down to the very core of Australia’s national identity.

“There’s only so many holes we can dig around the country — we have to value-add,” he says. “Australia will just end up as one big hole.”

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