
New Zealand is kicking Australia's economy

FORGET sheep. The New Zealand economy is riding high on the cow's back, and here's why the Kiwis are set to reign supreme.

14/09/2012 NEWS: News Limited economics reporter Jessica Irvine pictured for staff dinkus. Pic. Sam Ruttyn
14/09/2012 NEWS: News Limited economics reporter Jessica Irvine pictured for staff dinkus. Pic. Sam Ruttyn

FORGET sheep. The New Zealand economy is riding high on the cow's back, writes Jessica Irvine.

Our sporting teams may be locked in bitter rivalry: Wallabies vs. All Blacks; Diamonds vs. Silver Ferns.

But in the battle for economic supremacy, New Zealand is set to reign supreme.

While the Australian economy dominated over the past two decades, the tables are turning.

Australia survived the GFC with our two decade unbroken growth record intact, while New Zealand plunged into a year and a half long recession, before a deadly earthquake levelled its second biggest city of Christchurch in 2011.

But things have turned a corner for the New Zealand economy, says Saul Eslake, the chief economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

"The situation has now changed. As we move into 2014 the New Zealand economy does so gathering momentum whereas the Australian economy is clearly limping and will continue to do so," Eslake explains.

The Kiwi Dollar is within reach of parity with the Aussie dollar, as the NZ economy emerges from the ashes of earthquakes into a construction and jobs boom.

Australia's mining export boom is winding down, but NZ's dairy industry is riding high.

Rocked by drought and high wages, Australia's dairy production has shrunk over the past decade. Canadian dairy company Saputo last week secured a controlling stake in Australia's oldest listed dairy producer, Warrnambool Cheese and Butter.

But in New Zealand, the dairy industry is going from strength to strength.

The world's biggest dairy exporter, Fonterra, a co-operative of New Zealand dairy farmers, recently announced record prices for its farmers' of milk solids.

Strong demand for milk from consumers in Asia and Northern Africa have offset weaker cheese demand from Europe and USA.

big on dairy exports ... these calves are waiting to be fed on a dairy farm near Cambridge in New Zealand's Waikato region, known for its fertile land and dairy industry. Picture: AFP
big on dairy exports ... these calves are waiting to be fed on a dairy farm near Cambridge in New Zealand's Waikato region, known for its fertile land and dairy industry. Picture: AFP

New Zealand's central bank this week observed "considerable momentum" in the kiwi economy, fuelled by record dairy prices and the upturn in construction - both from rebuilding in Christchurch and to address a housing shortage in Auckland.

"The rapid rise in net inward migration over the past year has added to consumption and housing demand," the bank said.

Could the flood of New Zealanders to our shores be about to reverse?

Better jobs prospects at home are already reducing migration flows to Australia, says Eslake.

"I think that is already evident in NZ's own migration patterns, which show net emigration having fallen quite significantly."

New Zealand's economy expanded 3.5 per cent over the year to last September, outpacing growth in the Australian economy of just 2.3 per cent.

As a result, getting a job in Australia is getting harder while getting a job in New Zealand is getting easier.

New Zealand's jobless rate dropped sharply from 7.2 per cent to 6.2 per cent, while Australia's climbed from 5.4 per cent to 5.8 per cent.

But demographer at Monash University, Bob Birrell, says Australia will remain an attractive location for New Zealanders, who have flocked here over the past two decades, drawn by our strong economy.

Opening doors for itself ... New Zealand is more than just the land known for Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit.
Opening doors for itself ... New Zealand is more than just the land known for Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit.

More than 600,000 Kiwis now call Australia home - even if becoming a citizen has become harder since changes to close the "backdoor" to migration in 2001.

"New Zealand has been the largest single source of migrants to Australia," observes Birrell. "There are more diverse job opportunities here and higher real wages in Australia than are available in New Zealand."

But with the jobless rate climbing here, many recent arrivals are struggling.

"Now that the labour market is softening … a lot of kiwis arriving here, particularly at the lower skilled end of the spectrum, are struggling when they get here."

New Zealanders can't access the Newstart allowance under changes made in 2001, but can get access to some family benefits.

Birrell says Kiwi migration to Australia is likely to remain high, despite the weakening jobs market.

"You might expect some drop off because the incentive to come here is going to be diminished if New Zealand improves as projected."

"But my observation is that they do regard Australia as part of the furniture so to speak and when they're thinking about retirement or career progression they're quite likely to move here. It's not a great step because it's not that far and it's so easy to come and go. They just regard Australia as a part of their landscape."

And the resurgent Kiwi dollar means a trip across the Tasman has never been cheaper.

"If you sold your house in New Zealand today you could buy a lot more for your money in Australia," explains Birrell.

That may be so, but economist Saul Eslake says dwindling jobs prospects here will mean fewer kiwis jumping the ditch. "Employment prospects are a more important influence on trans-Tasman migration than relative exchange rates."

And the winning economic team for 2014 is a clear pick.


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