
Government MP George Christensen describes the Coalition’s Paid Parental Leave scheme as ‘money for jam’

AS Tony Abbott faces a revolt within his own ranks over the government’s paid parental leave scheme, one MP has described it as being “money for jam”.

Close-up of three jars of assorted jams and marmalade. istock photo. For Greg's column.
Close-up of three jars of assorted jams and marmalade. istock photo. For Greg's column.

GOVERNMENT MP George Christensen has labelled the Coalition’s paid parental leave scheme “money for jam”, joining fellow Nationals in publicly criticising Tony Abbott’s policy.

Already several Nationals Senators have said they’re prepared to cross the floor and vote against legislation in the Federal Upper House.

Their Lower House colleague Mr Christensen this morning argued there is confusion in the community as to why the Coalition is “going down a path to a policy where there’s seemingly a lot of largesse”.

COMMENT BELOW: Is the paid parental leave scheme discriminatory?

“I think people are confused a little bit about why we’re doing that particular scheme which seems to just be money for jam,” he told ABC radio.

The Queensland MP said he shared the confusion and is worried the policy, which gives women 26 weeks paid leave at their wage capped at $50,000, discriminates against those who choose to stay at home to care for their children.

When pressed about his description it’s “money for jam”, Mr Christensen said it “could be for some”.

“I think that you know if you’ve got the high level of income and the government’s going to supplement six months of your wage then you know there’s a lot of people questioning why that’s actually transpiring and why we’re putting one value on one particular baby and then another dollar value on another particular baby.”

The Member for Dawson agreed with Treasurer Joe Hockey that it would be good for some people in rural areas, but claimed “it’s also going to discriminate against a lot more people in rural areas”, using the example of women who live on the land in isolation from “employment opportunities”.

Critical ... Nationals MP George Christensen says the community is confused by the PPL. Picture: Gary Ramage
Critical ... Nationals MP George Christensen says the community is confused by the PPL. Picture: Gary Ramage

But Nationals Leader and Acting Prime Minister Warren Truss has conceded the government is still working out the detail of its PPL scheme, particularly with rural women in mind.

“We’re talking with the National Farmers’ Federation and the various rural women’s groups as to how to best design the scheme to ensure that farmers in those sort of circumstances are in fact eligible,” Mr Truss told ABC Rural.

“The test is not so much about income, as about the fact that they’ve been actively involved in the farming operations and therefore they’re breaking in their employment.”

Bill Shorten hit back at Mr Truss’ remarks, saying the scheme is not in the “design phase”, but the “crazy investors phase”.

“It isn’t going to see the light of day, I don’t believe,” the Opposition Leader told reporters in Sydney, adding it’s a scheme “no-one wants”.

Mr Shorten said Mr Abbott is pushing on despite some of his own colleagues threatening to cross the floor.

“This paid parental leave scheme of Mr Abbott’s is nothing more than a multimillion-dollar taxpayer-funded, Tony Abbott ego trip.”

Nationals Senator John Williams remains unconvinced about the scheme, despite Mr Hockey claiming regional Australians will be the “biggest winners”.

“It is expensive, many see it as generous, some see it as over generous and I’m just concerned about the cost of it and in many ways I see it as unfair,” he told ABC TV last night.

The Treasurer yesterday described the scheme as a “no brainier” for regional Australia, saying farmers, lower-income people and small businesses would be big winners.

Senator Williams did not agree, saying he is “yet to be convinced of that”.

But he would be willing to back a compromise.

“I would support something like the current scheme where the minimum wage is paid for 18 weeks extending that out to 26 weeks and say including super.”

With Ron Boswell and Senator Williams prepared to vote against the scheme in the Senate, Mr Hockey urged his colleagues “not to fall for the class war rhetoric of the Labor Party”.

The Greens are yet to confirm whether they will give the government’s scheme the green light.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott bowed to pressure ahead of the Budget, reducing the maximum amount a mother can pocket from $75,000 to $50,000.

Originally published as Government MP George Christensen describes the Coalition’s Paid Parental Leave scheme as ‘money for jam’

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