

Premier Mark McGowan ‘will go to his grave proud’ of his fight against Clive Palmer despite costly defamation case

WA Premier Mark McGowan says he will go to his grave proud of his battle against Clive Palmer despite a judge blasting them both over their defamation case.

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Clive Palmer and Mark McGowan defamed each other and have been awarded minor damages but the West Australian Premier insists he will “go to the grave proud” of his fight against the billionaire despite a judge criticising them both.

The pair sued each other for defamation in the NSW Federal Court over a series of public comments they made about each other two years ago, including claims Mr Palmer was a “threat” to WA and that the Premier had “lied” to the public about Covid-19.

The trial heard evidence about Mr Palmer’s legal fight over the WA hard border, the Queenslander’s stalled iron ore project, arbitration between the parties, and the extraordinary legislation that was passed to block the mining magnate’s ability to claim almost $30bn in damages.

On Tuesday, Justice Michael Lee finally delivered his judgment in the case, awarding $5000 in damages to Mr Palmer and $20,000 to the Premier, saying they had both failed with their defences.

Clive Palmer stayed on his superyacht while he was in Sydney to testify during the trial. Picture: Jane Dempster / The Australian
Clive Palmer stayed on his superyacht while he was in Sydney to testify during the trial. Picture: Jane Dempster / The Australian

Justice Lee said both men had chosen to be part of the “hurly-burly of political life”.

“Many members of the public will have instinctive views about them absent any personal interaction,” he said.

“These views are likely to align with their broader political beliefs.

“Although Mr Palmer resisted characterisation as a political figure, in truth, these proceedings arise out of a prolonged and heated dispute between two political antagonists dealing in large part with matters best described as political.”

Ultimately, Justice Lee said “the game has not been worth the candle” as he criticised both parties.

“These proceedings have not only involved considerable expenditure by Mr Palmer and the taxpayers of WA but have also consumed considerable resources of the commonwealth and, importantly, diverted court time from resolving controversies of real importance to persons who have a pressing need to litigate,” he said.

“At a time when public resources devoted to courts are under strain, and judicial resources are stretched, one might think that only a significant interference or attack causing real reputational damage and significant hurt to feelings should be subject of an action for defamation by a political figure.”

After the verdict was handed down, Mr McGowan told reporters he was still “severely constrained” about what he could say, but he respected the court’s decision.

“I did what I had to do to protect the state,” he said.

“I will go to my grave proud of what we did.

“I actually think it (the legislation) was one of the finest moments – both that and the hard border – of recent WA history that we were able to defend and protect the state from those things.”

Justice Lee said ‘the game has not been worth the candle’ as he criticised both Mr McGowan and Mr Palmer. Picture: NCA NewsWire / James Gourley
Justice Lee said ‘the game has not been worth the candle’ as he criticised both Mr McGowan and Mr Palmer. Picture: NCA NewsWire / James Gourley

Mr Palmer began the proceedings in August 2020, claiming six alleged defamatory publications made between July 31 and August 14 that year.

The following month, Mr McGowan filed a cross-claim, suing Mr Palmer in respect of nine alleged defamatory publications.

Commenting on the pair taking to the witness stand during the trial, Justice Lee said it was evidently not Mr Palmer’s first time in the box.

“His confidence and self-assuredness was evident. Indeed, he carried himself with the unmistakeable aura of a man assured as to the correctness of his own opinions,” Justice Lee said.

“Although Mr Palmer displayed obvious intelligence and was across the relevant detail, he was generally a combative and evasive witness who, on more than one occasion, was unwilling to make obvious concessions.”

The billionaire testified he believed a law passed in WA gave Mr McGowan power to murder him with impunity.

“That was my analysis – that the scope was wide open and I acknowledge that murder was an extreme,” he told the court.

Clive Palmer was the first to launch defamation action, then Mr McGowan countersued. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Damian Shaw
Clive Palmer was the first to launch defamation action, then Mr McGowan countersued. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Damian Shaw

Mr Palmer even likened the situation to a James Bond film and Nazi Germany.

“I was a bit frightened, what they might to do to me or my family … they could really do anything to me,” he said.

“I then thought about James Bond movies … how would you licence someone to kill? I didn’t know what the limits might be.

“I did think about … what happened in Nazi Germany and how that legislation was framed … I guess I was racing all over the place because I didn’t know a rational explanation for this.”

Justice Lee noted he had asked clarifying questions at the time.

“Was he really saying that he thought the Premier or other agents of the state either initiate or authorise physical violence towards him or those associated with him?” he said.

“The unsettling spectre of WA government thugs are assassins needing immunity from the state to absolve them from the criminal consequences of physical violence had, I confess, not occurred to me.

“Mr McGowan will be unlikely to have been thought to resemble Ian Fleming’s fictional MI6 character James Bond.”

Justice Lee found Mr Palmer had an unsound construction of the Act.

“Any assertion that Mr Palmer feared for his own safety and those of others was fanciful,” he said.

Mark McGowan travelled to Sydney to testify in person. Picture: NCA NewsWire / James Gourley
Mark McGowan travelled to Sydney to testify in person. Picture: NCA NewsWire / James Gourley

Meanwhile, the Premier said he was “extremely angry” when Mr Palmer suggested he was corrupt and trying to provide an exemption for himself from the criminal law to commit crimes.

The Premier testified Mr Palmer’s “crazed language and behaviour” gave people licence to issue death threats against him and his family, including sending white powder to his wife and threatening to behead his children.

“(He) arouses this anger and this madness in our community that contributes – I don’t say it’s all him – but he contributes to these sorts of behaviours that I’ve never in my lifetime seen before,” Mr McGowan said.

“I now have, outside my home, a police car parked 24 hours a day, I have police that accompany me virtually anywhere I go.

“My entire family is under threat because of all this madness that people like Mr Palmer stir up that results in me having to close my electoral office because my staff are under threat.

“This sort of crazed language and behaviour promotes and gives some people licence in order to let loose the darker angels of their nature to hold someone, namely me and therefore my family, responsible for whatever conspiracy they then get into their heads.”

He also testified about advertisements where Mr Palmer allegedly linked him to dictators in China, North Korea and Nazi Germany.

“It is an ongoing campaign to denigrate my character and to undermine what I do,” Mr McGowan said.

Justice Lee said Mr McGowan was “generally an impressive witness”.

“But sometimes when he was pressed on aspects of his evidence, he did exhibit what might be described as the muscle memory of a question politician in being non-responsive,” he said.

WA Attorney-General John Quigley took to the stand twice. Picture: Colin Murty / The Australian
WA Attorney-General John Quigley took to the stand twice. Picture: Colin Murty / The Australian

WA Attorney-General John Quigley testified twice, returning to the stand to say a “memory failure” caused him to make mistakes in his initial oral evidence.

The Attorney-General was involved in crafting the unprecedented legislation in 2020 that blocked Mr Palmer from suing the state for up to $30bn in damages over a stalled iron ore project.

Mr Quigley, 73, initially testified he first became aware on August 12, 2020, about the risk of the arbitration award being registered but later admitted it was before the cabinet meeting on August 11.

He said there were “a lot of moving parts” and he could not recall exactly when he learnt about it.

“When one has a memory failure, it’s really hard,” he told the court.

“The best explanation I can give is that I was under a lot of pressure.”

The court also heard evidence about private text messages between Mr Quigley and the Premier about Mr Palmer.

Justice Lee said it was regrettable that Mr Quigley’s evidence was “both confused and confusing”.

But he did not accept his evidence was untruthful.

“Mr Quigley’s evidence was not dishonest but was all over the shop,” he said.

“Being a confused witness is quite a different thing from being dishonest.

“It suffices to note that Mr Quigley was not a reliable historian of events.”

The Premier indicated he was standing by Mr Quigley despite calls from the opposition for him to be sacked.

Mr McGowan said it was a dramatic and stressful period in 2020.

He said he believed Mr Quigley had been “fantastic” and “magnificent” in coming up with ways of saving lives with the hard border and the state’s finances with the legislation.

“I think he should be congratulated for that,” Mr McGowan said.

A decision about costs of the case will be made at a later date.

Originally published as Premier Mark McGowan ‘will go to his grave proud’ of his fight against Clive Palmer despite costly defamation case

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