
Brand Finance: Retail sector giving bank brands a spanking and also applauded for green efforts

One industry has not only overtaken banking as Australia’s most valuable sector but also taken out a gong from a group that rarely hands out bouquets to corporate types.

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The mighty banking sector has been overtaken as Australia’s most valuable, with the same industry also taking out a gong from a group that rarely hands out bouquets to corporate types.

The latest annual ranking by brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance shows retail has beaten banking in terms of overall brand value.

Supermarkets such as Woolworths, which has the most valuable brand worth $12.6bn (up 6 per cent), and rival Coles, in fourth place with a brand value of $7.9bn (up 4 per cent), have been leading the charge by ensuring COVID-19 does not disrupt grocery supply.

“Both supermarket brands played an important part in supporting the economy during a difficult year defined by the pandemic,” Brand Finance said.

Woolworths is Australia’s most valuable brand. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Gaye Gerard
Woolworths is Australia’s most valuable brand. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Gaye Gerard

“Apart from continuing to provide food and other essential items to the people of Australia during lockdowns, the brands joined forces to help the country’s fishing industry when it was impacted by China’s live import ban, for instance, by selling lobsters at discounted rates.”

Wesfarmers-owned Officeworks was the other key player contributing to the overall 3 per cent growth of the retail sector, which now accounts for one-quarter of total brand value in the Brand Finance rankings.

Officeworks was the fastest growing Australian brand, rising in value by a whopping 63 per cent, driven by higher revenue growth both online and in-store as more people work and learn from home.

Retail has overtaken banking as Australia's most valuable sector. Picture: Supplied by Brand Finance Australia
Retail has overtaken banking as Australia's most valuable sector. Picture: Supplied by Brand Finance Australia

Other retailers to record brand value growth include Reece Australia, Target and Priceline, all of which have provided essential food, medicine and home goods to consumers throughout the health crisis.

In contrast, the banking sector suffered an overall 11 per cent drop in brand value due to weaker performance forecasts and unfavourable financial conditions caused by the pandemic, Brand Finance said.

Of the five banking brands in the top 10, only Macquarie managed to keep a steady value year-on-year.

As increasing competition puts pressure on all telecoms brands, the value of the Telstra brand dropped by 18 per cent to $9.5bn, reaching its lowest point since 2014.

Competition has dented Telstra’s brand value. Picture: Mick Tsikas/AAP
Competition has dented Telstra’s brand value. Picture: Mick Tsikas/AAP

The story is similar for Optus, which slumped by 19 per cent to $3.8bn, partly due to a drop in forecast revenue.

The only mining brand in the top 10, BHP, dropped to fifth position following a 17 per cent plunge in brand value to $7bn due to a greater economic risk across the market.

Brand Finance said Wesfarmers-owned Bunnings was a notable mention as it remained a firm favourite among Australian consumers with the highest reputation score of all brands measured in the country.

“Virtually every homeowner is familiar with the retail brand, demonstrated by its incredibly high consideration levels of 97 per cent amongst those familiar with the brand,” the consultancy said.

Bunnings remains hugely popular, with a highly recognisable brand. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Rebecca Le May
Bunnings remains hugely popular, with a highly recognisable brand. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Rebecca Le May

Also on Wednesday, activist group Greenpeace released the first ever Australian report calculating the cumulative impact of corporate 100 per cent renewable energy commitments, saying retailers were leading the clean energy race with almost double the pledges of any other industry.

“Major chains such as Woolworths, Bunnings and Aldi committing to 100 per cent renewable energy saw retail eclipse other industries,” REenergise campaign director Lindsay Soutar said.

“Retailers signing deals with wind and solar farms in regional Australia, and using their abundant roof space to host solar panels, has seen them get out in front of Australia’s rapid transition to clean energy.

“Greenpeace Australia Pacific is now calling on big retail brands like Coles and Kmart to ramp up their climate commitments and switch to 100 per cent renewable electricity.”

Greenpeace also applauded Officeworks for its green energy commitments.

Tech companies dominate the world’s most valuable brand rankings: Picture: Supplied by Brand Finance Australia
Tech companies dominate the world’s most valuable brand rankings: Picture: Supplied by Brand Finance Australia

Originally published as Brand Finance: Retail sector giving bank brands a spanking and also applauded for green efforts

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