
Six of seven sons of Frederick and Maggie Smith died in WW1

EXCLUSIVE: ALMOST a century ago the seven sons of a humble rural couple Frederick and Maggie Smith marched off to the Great War.

ALMOST a century ago the seven sons of a humble Australian rural couple called Frederick and Maggie Smith marched off to the Great War.

Just one came home and he died under a tram in 1923.

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The tragic true story of the six Smith brothers killed in action during the ‘war to end all wars’ makes the fictional Hollywood movie Saving Private Ryan look like a picnic. It is also unique in the annals of Australian military history.

The Smith Brothers ... Left their home in South Australia and never came back. Digitally altered image
The Smith Brothers ... Left their home in South Australia and never came back. Digitally altered image

The Smith boys, including the two youngest — Errol and Aubrey — who used false names to avoid parental consent for under 21s, went to war from the tiny South Australian hamlet of Yongala.

The six killed in action were Herbert William, Frederick Walter, Alfred Ernest, Clarence Leslie (Military Medal), Errol Victor and Aubrey Lyall. The lone survivor who died in 1923 was the oldest brother Francis Hume Smith.

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Clarence Leslie Smith (Military Medal) with younger brother Errol standing.
Clarence Leslie Smith (Military Medal) with younger brother Errol standing.
Alfred Ernest Smith died in Belgium in October 1917.
Alfred Ernest Smith died in Belgium in October 1917.

The Great War is littered with tales of brothers lost as cannon fodder for generals who regarded mass casualties as a necessary byproduct of warfare.

In fact more than 2800 sets of Australian brothers perished between 1915 and 1918 at Gallipoli, Palestine and on the Western Front.

More than 150 families lost three sons and at least five more lost four, but no other family’s sacrifice comes within cooee of that suffered by Frederick and Maggie Smith from Yongala (population 240) on the Clare to Peterborough Road.

The incredible story has remained secret for almost 100 years and has only come to light due to the efforts of the brothers’ great-nephew, Adelaide businessman and convener of the 2015 Camp Gallipoli national sleep-out, Chris Fox.

When he was a lad his maternal great-grandmother Lottie, the only girl in the Smith family of eight, took him aside and handed him her most important possession. It was a one penny Australian stamp that had been attached to a letter from the front written by the youngest and her favourite of the seven brothers Aubrey Lyall “Jack” Smith.

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Many diggers used the back of stamps to send clandestine messages home away from the prying eyes of tough military censors.

Lottie’s red stamp featured the image of the King and carried the simple inscription, “I go out to return, Jack.’’

“My great-grandmother took me to the shed and told me that the stamp was the most precious thing she owned. She said to me, ‘I want you to have and protect it’,” Mr Fox told News Corp Australia.

“That stamp haunts the hell out of me. He knew he was not coming back.”

A World War 1 penny stamp and its message on the back.
A World War 1 penny stamp and its message on the back.
“I go out to return” was written by Aubrey Lyall “Jack” Smith.
“I go out to return” was written by Aubrey Lyall “Jack” Smith.

The precious memento is mounted in glass and preserved for future generations of the family.

Lottie lived until she was 99 and apart from the stamp episode she never spoke of her dead brothers. It was the only time Mr Fox saw her express any emotion.

“In our family it is the unsaid,” he said.

According to Mr Fox the farm belonging to Francis Hume Smith had been sold from under him while he was away at the front and he never recovered from that setback and the loss of all of his brothers.

“We don’t know if his death in 1923 was accidental or deliberate,” he said.

Aubrey Lyall Smith (standing) and Francis Hume Smith.
Aubrey Lyall Smith (standing) and Francis Hume Smith.
Herbert William Smith (seated) and Frederick Walter Smith.
Herbert William Smith (seated) and Frederick Walter Smith.

Mr Fox said he hoped that Camp Gallipoli, to be run nationally with up to 200,000 participants on the night of April 24, 2015, would assist young Australians who can’t be at Anzac Cove to celebrate the birth of the Anzac Spirit.

“It is amazing that such a thing could emerge from such adversity,” he said.

Great War historian Professor Peter Stanley from the Australian Defence Force Academy said the story of the six Smith brothers was unique.

He said thousands of men enlisted under false names and hundreds of those simply disappeared without trace after being killed in action.

Professor Stanley said tracing the three brothers whose fate is unknown would be difficult given that 5000 people enlisted during WW1 using the surname Smith.

“This story would have to be unique or one of only a small handful of such deep family tragedies,” he said.

There was no official government policy on removing surviving siblings from the fighting during World War 1 or World War 2.

The Hollywood movie Saving Private Ryan was loosely based on the 1948 US ‘sole survivor’ policy where surviving siblings would be excused from service after the loss of their brothers.

The price of war ... Baby Lottie Smith with brothers Herbert, Frederick and Alfred. Picture: Nick Hooper
The price of war ... Baby Lottie Smith with brothers Herbert, Frederick and Alfred. Picture: Nick Hooper

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