
ANZAC tribute: Heartbreaking video reveals VC hero’s raw salute to friend lost in battle

A HEARTBREAKING video has revealed the moment when Victoria Cross winner Cameron Baird rallied the troops after one of his friends was killed in action.

EXCLUSIVE: Corporal Cameron Baird MG VC

A HEARTBREAKING video has revealed the moment when Victoria Cross winner Cameron Baird rallied the troops after one of his friends was killed in action.

The family of the late Corporal Baird have released the footage of the young soldier pouring his heart out. Baird, in camouflage fatigues, clutches a guitar, working it furiously to churn out a raw version of Green Day’s emotional tune, Time Of Your Life.

As Anzac Day approaches, Baird’s family have spoken to the Sunday Herald Sun about the young man who inspired so many.


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Cameron Baird VC MG on duty in Afghanistan.
Cameron Baird VC MG on duty in Afghanistan.

The video of Baird singing was a poignant moment for his parents, Doug and Kaye. Baird had lost a friend. Private Luke Worsley was hit by small-arms fire in an attack on a Taliban base in Uruzgan Province; on the same raid Baird earned the Medal for Gallantry.

Worsley was first through the door. He charged into an enemy-held room, drawing fire and shouting a warning to his colleagues.

It was that night, November 23, 2007, having recovered the mortally wounded Worsley then carrying his body several kilometres, that Baird and the others paid tribute in their own way — an extremely private moment caught on camera and never seen until now.

“It was a tribute,” Doug Baird said. “The room was extremely sombre and someone had to break that. Cameron got his guitar and started singing that song and they all sang it with him. It was their way of letting out some emotion. The words of the song, they are like a salute or a farewell.”

Cameron Baird on patrol in Afghanistan.
Cameron Baird on patrol in Afghanistan.

He adds: “Cameron couldn’t sing for nuts, but he was playing the guitar hard and singing hard. It was an outpouring for everyone; instead of crying they sang.”

Doug says Worsley’s death — and the manner in which he died — impacted his son greatly.

When his own moment came, 5½ years later on June 22, 2013, 32-year-old Baird was first through the door. Again in Uruzgan, Baird had already taken out six Taliban before he single-handedly charged a stronghold.

Twice he had to pull back; the third time he got through the door, dispatching yet another insurgent, but was hit from multiple directions. “He never stood much of a chance,” Doug said.

Doug discusses his son’s death openly and courageously; he finds it important. Yet the focus is on Baird’s phenomenal deeds in those last moments; not on the loss.

Cameron Baird displayed extraordinary strength of character.
Cameron Baird displayed extraordinary strength of character.
Cameron Baird.
Cameron Baird.
SAS soldier Private Luke Worsley, from 4RAR commando unit in Sydney.
SAS soldier Private Luke Worsley, from 4RAR commando unit in Sydney.

And it is that extraordinary strength of character that shines through in all these stories of his son — and in those videos.

Much of this is still new to Doug and Kaye, as they are constantly hearing new anecdotes and tales as they meet former colleagues.

In another clip revealed for the first time today, there was footage of Baird returning to a helicopter.

“It reminds me of his football,” Doug, himself an ex-Carlton player, says of Baird’s running high-five salute.

Even Baird’s position, out on the wing, was telling. “Cameron was always the last to come in,” says Doug of such extractions. “He would have been stood about 150 metres back, facing the enemy, and when the others were ready he came in.”

This is the Cameron Baird we remember. The one who made a mark on so many. A man whose stories and inspiration live on in his parents’ visits to schools and RSLs; and in the charity they support, Cam’s Cause.

Lest we forget.

Cam's Cause
Legends of the Anzacs coin collection

Originally published as ANZAC tribute: Heartbreaking video reveals VC hero’s raw salute to friend lost in battle

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