Hird outcry is a repeat of old news and feelings
COMMENT: THERE has been a hysterical reaction to Tania Hird’s appearance on the ABC. It was ill-timed, even selfish, but it wasn’t “explosive” as everyone claims.
THIS has been a hysterical reaction to a woman who led with her chin.
Tania Hird’s appearance on the ABC was ill-timed. Even selfish. But “explosive’’ as everyone has described it? Hardly.
It was a repeat of old news and feelings. She was asked to be part of a program about allegations of AFL bullying and she agreed.
The problem for the Hirds was that Essendon had gagged them.
Which meant the Hirds stuck up two fingers to the club, which upset Essendon chairman Paul Little, who inflamed the situation by going on morning radio.
Collingwood president — but on this occasion media commentator — Eddie McGuire poured on more kero when he suggested Hird may have coached his last game.
Then there were reports Channel Nine’s Karl Stefanovic said Hird was all but sacked. Same with Neil Mitchell on 3AW.
And others followed.
What’s the issue, other than it being aired on the night before Essendon’s first game of the season?
It’s not about what Tania said on Thursday night — it’s been written before and denied. No, it’s about Tania simply talking.
People are tired of the story. They want it to go away. No matter what Hird or Mrs Hird says, or what Andrew Demetriou says, or what Julian Burnside, QC, says, or even what Stephen Dank said yesterday, no one is listening. They are fatigued. Move on.
But while Little yesterday was “disappointed” by the interview, maybe he should look a bit deeper and acknowledge how disappointed the Hirds are.
Maybe if Little allowed Hird to speak in October or November, when he could address his frustrations and remorse and be able to defend himself after being encouraged to accept a deal put together by Little, AFL Commission chairman Mike Fitzpatrick and Australian Sports Commission boss John Wylie, this wouldn’t be happening now.
No, Little, after rolling over to the AFL’s pressure, wanted it all to go away.
Which meant that Hird wasn’t able to speak. Clearly, Hird wanted to. He wanted the big sit-down, but the Bombers told him he wouldn’t be able to do it if he was going to be critical of the AFL and the investigation.
What is this, Russia? Is the AFL the Kremlin? Is Little a puppet to the machine?
Hird takes 12 months in the kisser and is not allowed to discuss it, according to the Bombers chairman. What a sorry world we live in.
Hird may have been a conniving, manipulating driver of the supplement program — or he may not have been — but he at least should be able to explain and defend himself.
Suddenly, Tania defends her husband and HE should be sacked. What rubbish.
All the while, the Hirds are bleeding. James is out of footy and his reputation is smouldering and Tania is in his corner, fighting as best she can.
One day, they will have to let it go. But clearly it remains an issue. It’s difficult to put yourselves in their shoes. Hird feels he’s been wronged and principle won’t allow him to accept it. Should he be a beaten dog who cowers to the authority? Or should he fight for what he believes to be right.
It’s so easy to say he should cower for the good of the footy club.
McGuire, meanwhile, has been front and centre throughout all this. He got Little yesterday, which followed him getting the “Essendon mum’’ last year.
By the way, the mum’s never been revealed and can’t we remember the hysteria then.